Python provides many ways to output floating-point numbers, such as using the print function, formatting strings, or using the format method. section Practice makes perfect Try out the code examples provided in this article to familiarize yourself with outputting floating-point numbers in Python. se...
print(s) # 输出: Tom s = "{:<10}".format("Tom") # 左对齐,宽度为10,不足部分用空格填充 print(s) # 输出:Tom # 精度 s = "{:.2f}".format(3.14159) # 保留两位小数 print(s) # 输出:3.14 注意事项 格式化字符串中的大括号{}顺序可以与format()方法中的参数顺序不一致,因为format()会根...
(2). 长整型(long integers)无限大小的整数,证书最后使用大写火小写的L表示 (3). 浮点型(floating point values)浮点型构成由整数部分和小数部分构成 (4). 复数(complex numbers)复数由实数和虚数部分构成 可以使用 a+bj,或 compler(a,b) 表示,其中 a,b部分都是浮点型 注: 长整型的取值范围: python2.7版...
>>>"%d"%123.123# As an integer'123'>>>"%o"%42# As an octal'52'>>>"%x"%42# As a hex'2a'>>>"%e"%1234567890# In scientific notation'1.234568e+09'>>>"%f"%42# As a floating-point number'42.000000' In these examples, you’ve used different conversion types to display values usi...
print(flag.format('python','php')) flag = "hello {} and {}!" print(flag.format('python','php')) #变量参数 flag = "{name} is {age} years old!" print(flag.format(name='Frank',age = 23)) #结合列表 infor=["Frank",23] print("{0[0]} is {0[1]} years old".format(infor...
format(value) '10000, 0b10000' >>> "{0:o}, {0:#o}".format(value) '20, 0o20' >>> "{0:x}, {0:#x}".format(value) '10, 0x10' The base indicators are 0b, 0o, and 0x for binary, octal, and hexadecimal representations, respectively. For floating-point (f or F) and ...
python 的内置函数可以直接调用,无需import,常用到的有: int()将字符串或者小数转换成整数 str()将其他类型转换是字符型 len(X)返回X的长度。The argument may be a sequence (string, tuple or list) or a mapping (dictionary). print()输出 type(X)返回X的数据类型 open(f)打开一个文件f并返回文件类型...
3-使用format()方法示例: name ='Alice' age =25 message ="My name is {} and I'm {} years old.".format(name, age) print(message) 以上3中示例均会输出: My nameisAliceandI'm 25 years old. format() 位置/关键字 %... #为解决统一编码问题而生 列表 ...
print("{0:>12}{1:>7}{2:>7}{3:>7}{4:>7}{5:>7}{6:>7}{7:>7}{8:>7}".format("Occupants:", 0, 1, 2, 3 ,4 ,5 ,6, ">6")) (要打印的第一个数字是0,它是format的第二个参数,或format的参数1) 一旦你做到了,你仍然有你的百分比问题。但现在你有了获胜的机会。只需重试您...