我们可以使用格式化字符串文字中的表达式将浮点数打印到 N 个小数位。 my_float =7.3941845# ✅ Print float rounded to 2 decimals (f-string)result =f'{my_float:.2f}'print(result)# 👉️ '7.39'# ✅ Print float rounded to 3 decimals (f-string)result =f'{my_float:.3f}'print(result...
array([0.20424727482457, 0.342095729840246, 0.7690247024585]) # Display original array print("Original Array:\n",arr,"\n") # Printing elements of array up to 3 decimal places np.set_printoptions(formatter={'float': lambda x: "{0:0.3f}".format(x)}) # Display Result print("Result:\n",...
NumberFormatter+format(float number, str format)+formatAsPercentage(float number, int decimalPlaces)DecimalFormatter+formatToDecimal(float number, int decimalPlaces)PercentageFormatter+formatToPercentage(float number, int decimalPlaces) 在这个类图中,NumberFormatter作为主要的格式化类,它可以调用DecimalFormatter和...
deffloat_to_two_decimal_places(number):number_str=str(number)result_str="{:.2f}".format(number)result=float(result_str)returnresult 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 四、示例使用 我们可以通过以下代码来测试我们的函数: result=float_to_two_decimal_places(3.1415926)print(result) 1. 2. 这里我们调用了float_...
from decimal import * print(getcontext()) Let’s see the output for this program: That’s all for python decimal module, it’s very useful when working with float point numbers. While we believe that this content benefits our community, we have not yet thoroughly reviewed it.If you have...
print("Area = ", round(area, 2)) Output: Area = 78.54 💡 Method 3: Using the Decimal Object Another workaround to our problem is to use the Decimal object, and the quantize function to return a float value with two decimal places. quantize method returns a value by rounding the fi...
importdecimal fromdecimalimportDecimal # It converts the float 10.245 to a Decimal object. decimal_ = Decimal.from_float(10.245) print('浮点数转为Decimal后:{0}'.format(decimal_)) # 浮点数转为Decimal后:10.2449999999999992184029906638897955417633056640625 ...
decimal 模块为快速正确舍入的十进制浮点运算提供支持。 它提供了 float 数据类型以外的几个优点:Decimal “基于一个浮点模型,它是为人们设计的,并且必然具有最重要的指导原则 —— 计算机必须提供与人们在学校学习的算法相同的算法。”—— 摘自十进制算术规范。Decimal 数字的表示是完全精确的。 相比之下,1.1 和...
a, b, c, d = 20, 5.5, True, 4+3j print(a, b, c, d) # 20 5.5 True (4+3j) print(type(a), type(b), type(c), type(d)) # <class 'int'> <class 'float'> <class 'bool'> <class 'complex'> Python也可以这样赋值: ...
Arithmetic Expressions Make Python Lie to You Math Functions and Number Methods Round Numbers With round() Find the Absolute Value With abs() Raise to a Power With pow() Check if a Float Is Integral Print Numbers in Style Complex Numbers Conclusion: Numbers in Python Further ReadingRemove...