struct _typeobject *ob_type; /* Nothing is actually declared to be a PyObject, but every pointer to * a Python object can be cast to a PyObject*. This is inheritance built * by hand. Similarly every pointer to a variable-size Python object can, * in addition, be cast to PyVarObje...
print(int.__bases__) # (<class 'object'>,) # 2.type的直接父类 print(type.__bases__) # (<class 'object'>,) # 3.变量的直接父类 print(a.__bases__) --- Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#4>", line 1, in <module> a.__base__ AttributeError: 'int' obj...
subject.add_observer('Ben') defPrint(): ox=subject.observers foroinox: weather_data=observer.display() print("{}你好,以下是今日的天气播报:\n{}\n").format(o,weather_data) Print() 初学Python,在做观察者模式的时候发现print会打印出多余的东西 你好,以下是今日的天气播报: 今日天气:多云转阴 今日...
name,age)'(Initialized SchoolMember: {})'.format('''Tell my details.'''print('Name:"{}" Age:"{}"'.format(,self.age),end=" ")classTeacher(SchoolMember):'''Represents a teacher.'''def__init__(self,name,age,sa...
1 classPerson(object): 2 3 def __init__(self,name,age): 4 =name 5 self.age =age 6 self.address = '中国' 6 7 defdetails(self): 8 print('姓名为:%s,年龄为:%d,籍贯是:%s' %(,self.age,self.address))
classA(object):def__init__(self):self.b=1self.c=2defdo_nothing(self):passa=A()print('object:',a)print('details:',a.__dict__)print('items:',', '.join(['%s:%s'%itemforitemina.__dict__.items()])) 输出 object:<__main__.Aobjectat0x10389e390>details:{'b':1,'c':2}it...
Define a class, which is a sort of blueprint for an object Instantiate a class to create an object Use attributes and methods to define the properties and behaviors of an object Use inheritance to create child classes from a parent class Reference a method on a parent class using super()...
importpdirimportinspectprint(pdir(inspect))''' property: ... module attribute: ... special attribute: ... class: ... function: ... getmembers: Return all members of an object as (name, value) pairs sorted by name. getdoc: Get the documentation...
这一阵闲来无事开发了一个小工具,也是最近在debug python的时候产生的一个需求——打印object。 gaogaotiantian/ python自带的print函数对内置数据结构像list或者dict还算比较友好,如果觉得格式不舒服还可以用pprint。但是在输出自定义数据结构的时候,基本上毫无帮助。
fileinfo = os.stat(fileName) file_size = int(fileinfo.st_size)/1024 return file_size except Exception as reason: print_ztp_log(f"Get file size failed. reason = {reason}", LOG_ERROR_TYPE) return file_size def get_file_size(file_path=''): """Return the size of a file in t...