keys()) for key in keys: print(key) 输出: name age gender 3. 打印字典中的所有值 与打印所有键类似,如果只想打印字典中的所有值,可以使用字典的 values() 方法,它返回一个包含所有值的视图对象。 my_dict = {'name': 'John', 'age': 25, 'gender': 'male'} print(my_dict.values()) 输出...
方法一:使用keys()方法 keys()方法可以返回字典中所有的键,我们可以将其转换为列表,然后根据需求进行筛选。下面是一个示例代码: student={'name':'Tom','age':18,'gender':'male','class':'Grade 1'}# 输出所有键all_keys=list(student.keys())print(all_keys)# 输出 ['name', 'age', 'gender', ...
Python 字典(Dictionary)字典是另一种可变容器模型,且可存储任意类型对象。字典的每个键值 key:value 对用冒号 : 分割,每个键值对之间用逗号 , 分割,整个字典包括在花括号 {} 中,格式如下所示: d = {key1 : value1, key2 : value2 }注意:dict 作为Python 的关键字和内置函数,变量名不建议命名为 dict。
keys(): ... print(student) ... Alice Bob Charlie Diana Ethan Fiona George Hannah In these examples, you first iterate over the keys of a dictionary using the dictionary directly in the loop header. In the second loop, you use the .keys() method to iterate over the keys. Both ...
You're not required to create all keys when you initialize a dictionary. In fact, you don't need to create any! Whenever you want to create a new key, you assign it just as you would an existing one.Let's say you want to update planet to include the orbital period in days:Python...
for key,value in zip(my_keys, my_values): my_dictionary[key] = value print(my_dictionary) Thezipfunction matches elements from two lists by index, creating key-value pairs. Conclusion This guide showed how to add items to a Python dictionary. All methods provide unique functionalities, so ...
>>>print(dic.keys())#以列表返回字典的所有键dict_keys(['k1','k2'])>>>print(dic.values())#以列表返回字典的所有值dict_values(['v1','v2'])>>> dic.setdefault('k3','v3')#和get()类似, 但如果键不存在于字典中,将会添加键并将值设为default或指定'v3'>>>dic ...
print(f"{cities[0]}:{phones[0]}")# soochow: 0512 类似这样,一个对象与另外一个对象之间建立对应关系,也是日常生活和生产中常见的事情,比如建立员工的姓名和工资、奖金之间的对应关系,建立学生和各个科目考试成绩之间的对应关系等等。既然如此司空见惯,Python 必然要有内置对象类型,这就是 字典Dictionary。
alphabets = dict() print(alphabets) Output{}Where, {} represents empty dictionary.Initialize and access the elements of a dictionaryTo initialize or add an item to the dictionary, square brackets with unique keys are used.Example# Creating an empty dictionary alphabets = dict() # Adding ...