问题一:requires msgpack,which is not installed.(通信包没有安装上) 解决方法:pip install msgpack 网址: MessagePack: It's like JSON. but fast and small.msgpack.org/ 问题二: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required.(一般我们的win电脑都会缺这玩意) 解决办法:网上很多帖子都是选择回避这个问题,offlin...
pip uninstall -y dep && pip install dep --ignore-installed 忽略软件包及其Dep是否已经安装,覆盖已安装的文件。使用该操作安装某个软件不对其原先安装的版本进行卸载,因此可能会造成之前安装的package文件有残留。 --- PS: 在某些情况下需要重新安装某个package,但是该package被其他package依赖,因此无法卸载然后重安...
ERROR: pandas-profiling 2.5.4 requires confuse>=1.0.0, which is not installed. ERROR: pandas-profiling 2.5.4 requires htmlmin>=0.1.12, which is not installed. ERROR: pandas-profiling 2.5.4 requires phik>=0.9.10, which is not installed. ERROR: pandas-profiling 2.5.4 requires statsmodels>=...
pip uninstall -y dep && pip install dep --ignore-installed 忽略软件包及其Dep是否已经安装,覆盖已安装的文件。使用该操作安装某个软件不对其原先安装的版本进行卸载,因此可能会造成之前安装的package文件有残留。 --- PS: 在某些情况下需要重新安装某个package,但是该package被其他package依赖,因此无法卸载然后重安...
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement PIL (from versions: none) ERROR: No matching distribution found for PIL Try to run this command from the system terminal. Make sure that you use the correct version of 'pip' installed for your Python interpreter located at 'D:\PyCode\...
1.解压 pip-21.1.1.tar.gz 到任意路径,这里解压到“桌面” 下文,6.2 快速跳转到解压目录 2.执行下面命令 ## 切换目录 cdpip-21.1.1\ ## 安装 python setup.py install 文字版:点击查看详细安装过程 C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\pip-21.0\pip-21.0>python setup.pyinstall ...
一、Python环境管理(mac系统) 1、安装: 下载python安装包:https://www.python.org/ ...
在学习TF的时候需要安装一个python组件,指令如下: pip install --upgrade virtualenv 执行后会报错, matplotlib1.3.1requires nose,whichisnot installed.matplotlib1.3.1requires tornado,whichisnot installed.matplotlib1.3.1has requirement numpy>=1.5,but you'll have numpy1.8.0rc1 whichisincompatible. ...
Could not find any downloads that satisfy the requirement flask No distributions at all found for flask Storing complete log in /home/user/.pip/pip.log 或者: Downloading/unpacking flask Cannot fetch index base URLhttp://pypi.python.org/simple/ ...
pip install 成功: 安装成功此时我遇到了下面的警告:WARNING: The scripts estimator_ckpt_converter.exe, import_pb_to_tensorboard.exe, saved_model_cli.exe, tensorboard.exe, tf_upgrade_v2.exe, tflite_convert.exe, toco.exe and toco_from_protos.exe are installed in ‘C:\Users\hp\AppData\Roaming...