b) figure out how to manually specify which compiler pip uses and set it in some sort of .conf file - I haven't examined where this file lives or if there are CLI options for pip that accomplish the equivalent. In principle, creating/editing a /usr/lib/pythonX.Y/distutils/distutils.c...
pipconfigsetglobal.index-urlhttps://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple 会将该配置写入到用户目录下的 /pip/pip.conf文件中,例如在我的机器(Linux 系统,与Windows 略有不同)上: $ python3 -m pip configsetglobal.index-url https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple Writing to /home/muzing/.config/...
sys.argv[0]:返回脚本的名称 sys.argv[1]:返回第一个参数 sys.argv[2]:返回第二个参数 脚本sys_test.py: 运行结果: getopt 模块 getopt:This module helps scripts to parse the command line arguments in sys.argv. getopt.getopt(args, options[, long_options]) 例一、短格式分析: 使用短格式分析串"...
are -1, 0, 1 and 2. A value of -1 means to use the optimization level of the current interpreter, as given by -O command line options.optimize为1时,优化字节码级别为最高 -1和0:设置pyc优化级别 1和2:设置pyo优化级别 数字越小,优化级别越高 准备源文件a.py和b.py,内容相同,就是一...
File "f:\program files (x86)\python36-32\lib\site-packages\pip\_internal\cli\base_command.py", line 186, in _main status = self.run(options, args) File "f:\program files (x86)\python36-32\lib\site-packages\pip\_internal\commands\install.py", line 331, in run ...
%virtual_env%\pip.ini Global C:\ProgramData\pip\pip.ini 哪一个 如果发现有多个配置文件,那么按以下顺序进行读取,且后者覆盖前者: global per-user virtualenv-specific 怎么写 The names of the settings are derived from the long command line option, e.g. if you want to use a different package in...
Running the following command gives me the following error: pip install pygame Error Stack: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Python34\lib\runpy.py", line 171, in _run_module_as_main "__main__", mod_spec) File "C:\Python34\lib\runpy.py", line 86, in _run_code ...
正题:如何使用 MacPorts 安装并使用 Python 和 pip? 环境:Mac OS X Mavericks 我的Mavericks 自带 Python 版本有 python25, python26, python27。本人目前使用的是 Python 2.7.6,Mavericks 携带的是 Python 2.7.5。 1. 检查当前使用的是哪个 Python: ...
File "/home/user/flask_study/venv-test/test/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip-1.1-py2.7.egg/pip/basecommand.py", line 104, in main status = self.run(options, args) File "/home/user/flask_study/venv-test/test/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip-1.1-py2.7.egg/pip/comm...
CommandLineTextEditorFileExplorerUserCommandLineTextEditorFileExplorerUser打开 %USERPROFILE%查看文件夹创建 .pip 文件夹创建 pip.ini 文件输入新源验证配置显示源地址 结论 通过以上步骤,你已经成功在Windows上配置了pip的源。切换到更快的的源可以大大提高库的下载速度,节省你的开发时间。在以后的开发中,你可以随时...