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1. "Fluent Python": Written by a core Python developer, this book delves into complex Python concepts such as iterators, generators, and decorators, making it ideal for readers with a solid programming foundation.2. "Python Crash Course": Designed for beginners, this book guides rea...
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The Python 2 version of the book is still available. You can download this free Python book in PDF, EPUB, and HTML format. There is also a free course with the same title -Python for Everybody in Courserawhich you can take along this book to learn better. The course is free-to-audit...
4、《3 in 1 Bundle: Python For Beginners,Java Programming and Html & CSS For Beginners》 本书的内容涵盖了你所需要了解的“Python语法”、循环”以及“编写出完整程序”;关于Java的所有知识:从“条件语句”到“接口和继承”;关于Html和CSS的所有内容:Html和CSS的“基础原理” ...
Machine Learning For Absolute Beginners, 2nd Edition-Oliver Theobald(2017).pdf Machine Learning for Absolute Beginners Second Edition为完全初学者编写和设计的。简单的英语解释,无需编码经验。 在引入核心算法的地方,添加了清晰的解释和可视化示例,以便在家中轻松实现。新版本包含了第一版中未涉及的许多主题,包括...
28. Code With Python Projects for Beginners, Intermediate, and Experienced Programmers PDF If you’re learning Python, you might have asked “What should I build?” This eBook is for you. In this book, you will walk through through 15+ projects using Python (and sometimes NodeJS...
4. Python Programming for Beginners [Book] A more significant kind of resource for learning python language are books. Many people don’t like watching videos to learn anything, so you can get this book for free on Kindle or buy it as an actual book for $19.90 from this store. ...