class PktDirection(Enum): not_defined = 0 client_to_server = 1 server_to_client = 2 def process_pcap(file_name): print('Opening {}...'.format(file_name)) client = '' server = '' (client_ip, client_port) = client.split(':') (server_ip, serv...
#/usr/bin/env python #-*-coding:utf8-*- #抓包脚本 """ This script is used to Capture and Analysis packets Required dependencies: 1 libpcap-
self.pcap是构造函数self.pcap = rdpcap(namefile)提前读取,然后enumerate()遍历。指定目标端口和源端口是110、143的数据筛选出来。 defdo_mail(self, arg, opts=None):"""Print the number of mail's requests and store its Usage : - mail"""sys.stdout.write(bcolors.TXT +"## Searching mail's reque...
一般来说,面对一个数据集,我们需要做一些探索性分析 (Exploratory data analysis),这个过程繁琐而冗杂。以泰坦尼克号数据集为例,传统方法是先用Dataframe.describe(): import pandas as pd data = pd.read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/datasciencedojo/datasets/master/titanic.csv') data.describe() ...
dawb.get_name('gdp_pcap'), dawb.get_name('primary_education')], country=countries['iso2c'], start=2014, end=2014) population = dawb.rename_columns(population) (4)定义一个普通最小二乘模型如下: population_model = ols("pop_grow ~ gdp_pcap + primary_education", ...
#coding=utf-8 import os import sys from dpkt.ip import IP from dpkt.pcap import Reader as PReader from dpkt.ethernet import Ethernet from socket import inet_ntop from socket import AF_INET curpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) import dpkt print("dpkt.__version__= {}...
Step 5: Export Pcap Files Click "Action" in the menu bar, then select "Export SN Trace to pcap file" from the drop-down list. A window will pop up as shown below. In this window, select the location where you want to save the export file, then click "OK". Until the export is ...
(ts, buf) in pcap: try: # 获取以太网部分数据...eth = dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet(buf) # 获取IP层数据 ip = eth.data # 把存储在inet_ntoa中的IP地址转换成一个字符串 src = socket.inet_ntoa...except Exception, e: return 'Unregistered' def main(): parser = optparse.OptionParser('[*]Usage...