In a normal string, you’d need to use two backslashes (\\) to indicate that you want to use the backslash literally and not as an escape character.Note: An idiomatic way of working with the current module’s location as the path is using __file__: Python from pathlib ...
今天学习的是:pathlib:(Python3.4+ 标准库)跨平台的、面向对象的路径操作库. 其官方网址为: 如果只是把path作为string对象来操作,我们会碰到很多很繁琐的操作,因此,pathlib就是对os.path进行了封装,提供了一个便捷的,面向对象的操作方式 而且,从python3.4开始,这个类就是...
pathlib模块已添加到 Python 3.4 中,并具有可用于文件处理和系统路径的更有效方法。该模块中的read_te...
Path.mkdir(Path.cwd() /"new_dir", exist_ok=True)# same as os.makedirs() print(Path("").resolve())# same as os.path.abspath() # /home/martin/some/path/ print(Path.home())# same as os.path.expanduser() # ...
import pathlib a = pathlib.Path('') # 如果传入单个文件,返回一个文件路径的字符串 print(a) # b = pathlib.Path('F','pythonProject','PROJECT6_read&write_file','') # 如果传入路径上的文件(夹),就会返回文件路径的字符串 print(b) # F\pythonProject\PROJECT...
方法二:使用pathlib 从Python 3.4 开始,引入了pathlib模块,提供了一种更面向对象的方式来处理文件路径。 frompathlibimportPath# 创建路径对象file_path=Path("C:/用户/文档/数据.txt")# 打开并读取文件'r',encoding='utf-8') ...
Python pathlib的简单使用-2 | 函数 | 功能描述 | | | | | cwd | 获取当前运行路径 | | absolute | 获取绝对路径 | | home | 获取用户目录 | | Path(file) | 获取当前文件目录 | | iterdir | 遍历当前文件夹,返回直
pathlib - (Python standard library) An cross-platform, object-oriented path library. - A module wrapper for os.path. python-magic - A Python interface to the libmagic file type identification library. watchdog - API and shell utilities to monitor file system events. Functional Programmi...
The Python standard library includes math, datetime, re, sys, pathlib, collections, itertools, functools, statistics, and dozens of other libraries. The documentation contains a full list of Python's standard library modules. Doug Hellman's Python Module of the Week includes additional explanations ...
In this example, you read the contents of the introduction.txt file with the .read_text() method of the pathlib.Path object. Since the file contains the same information as the previous example, you’ll get the same result.Remove ads Sentence Detection Sentence detection is the process of ...