正斜杠(Slash)是“/”,反斜杠(Backslash)是“\”。 Windows上使用反斜杠,Linux和OS X使用正斜杠。不过现在统一使用斜杠就可以了,python会自动处理。 1. 相对路径(Relative Path):斜杠 / 从根目录开始 ./ 从同级目录开始,也可省略不写 ../ 从上一级目录开始 # 大小写不影响windows定位到文件; path = r"c...
Return path splits with double backslash. """ path_1 = self.path.replace('\\', '\\\') return self.copy_to_clipboard(path_1) def pwd_2(self): """ Return path splits with slash. """ path_2 = self.path.replace('\\', '/') return self.copy_to_clipboard(path_2) def copy_...
1. 示例代码 下面是完整的示例代码: importos current_dir=os.getcwd()double_backslash_path=current_dir.replace('\\','\\\')print(double_backslash_path) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 结论 通过以上步骤,我们可以很方便地获取双斜杠路径。这对于处理文件路径等需要在Windows系统上运行的任务非常有用。希望本文能帮...
因为backslash是邪路。你可能要说 Windows 比Unix进入 PC 还早,backslash 的渊源也和 Unix 差不多久,...
from pathlib import Path # 创建一个Path对象 path = Path('C:/Users/username/Documents/file.txt') # 将Path对象转换为字符串,并替换斜杠为双反斜杠 double_backslash_path = str(path.as_posix()).replace('/', '\\\') print(double_backslash_path) 上述代码首先创建了一个Path对象,然后使用as...
One of programming’s little annoyances is that Microsoft Windows uses a backslash character between folder names while almost every other computer uses a forward slash: This is an accident of early 1980’s computer history. The first version of MS-DOS used the forward slash character for ...
To paste a path as a string in Python, add the r prefix. This indicates that it is a raw string, and no escape characters will be used except for \” (you might need to remove the last backslash in your path). So your path might look like: r"C:\Users\MyName\Documents\Document....
您可以将解释器用作交互工具。在交互模式下,您运行 Python 程序,您将看到一个新的提示,>>>,然后您可以逐个输入 Python 语句。在 Microsoft Windows 中,您可能会看到类似这样的内容: C:\Users\Paul>python Python3.4.3(v3.4.3:9b73f1c3e601, Feb242015,22:43:06) [MSC v.160032bit (Intel)] on win32Ty...
This process creates a Path object. Instead of having to deal with a string, you can now work with the flexibility that pathlib offers.On Windows, the path separator is a backslash (\). However, in many contexts, the backslash is also used as an escape character to represent non-...
stat.S_IREAD:windows下设为只读 stat.S_IWRITE:windows下取消只读 dir_fd基于目录描述符的相对路径:如果dir_fd不是None,它就应该是一个指向目录的文件描述符,这时待操作的 path 应该是相对路径,相对路径是相对于前述目录的。如果 path 是绝对路径,则dir_fd将被忽略。