示例3: test_get_extensions_path_no_extensions ▲点赞 5▼ deftest_get_extensions_path_no_extensions(self):# Reset to default value, as it's overridden by base classcfg.CONF.set_override('api_extensions_path','') path = extensions.get_extensions_path() self.assertEqual(path, self.base_pa...
For each service we call the add_cb function with it's image path and service description. This function return the index of the current service. '''account = self.config.get_or_set('last_logged_account','') default_session = extension.get_default('session') count =0session_found =Fals...
os.path.basename(): 获取文件名 os.path.split(): 分割目录和文件名 os.path.join(): 拼接路径 判断路径信息 os.path.exists(): 判断路径是否存在 os.path.isfile(): 判断是否为文件 os.path.isdir(): 判断是否为目录 os.path.islink(): 判断是否为符号链接 获取文件属性 os.path.getsize(): 获取文...
4.os.path.basename(path) 返回path最后的文件名。如何path以/或\结尾,那么就会返回空值。即os.path.split(path)的第二个元素。 >>> os.path.basename('c:\\test.csv') 'test.csv' >>> os.path.basename('c:\\csv') 'csv' (这里csv被当作文件名处理了) >>> os.path.basename('c:\\csv\\')...
Extension('foo', glob(path.join(here, 'src', '*.c')), libraries = [ 'rt' ], include_dirs=[numpy.get_include()]) ] ) 详细了解可参考:https://docs.python.org/3.6/distutils/setupscript.html#preprocessor-options setup.py 的参数非常多,能够不借助文档写好一个setup.py好像没那么简单。为了...
importosdefget_files_with_extension(folder_path, extension):files=[]forfile_name in os.listdir(folder_path):iffile_name.endswith(extension):files.append(file_name)returnfiles 上述代码将返回一个仅包含指定扩展名文件的列表。 根据文件名过滤
Make sure thePython Debugger extensionis installed and enabled in VS Code by opening theExtensionsview (⇧⌘X(Windows, LinuxCtrl+Shift+X)) and searching for@installed python debugger. The path to the python executable is incorrect: check the path of your selected interpreter by running thePyt...
.MOD', 'effective_mode': EFFECTIVE_MODE_NO_REBOOT, 'sha256': '', }, } } # File information of the patch file on the file server. The file name extension is '.ccx.' REMOTE_FEATURE_PLUGIN = { 'product-name': { 'S16700' : { 'path': 'S16700...
# function_app.py import azure.functions as func app = func.FunctionApp() @app.write_blob(arg_name="msg", path="output-container/{name}", connection="CONNECTION_STRING") def test_function(req: func.HttpRequest, msg: func.Out[str]) -> str: message = req.params.get('body') msg.set...
Inspect the values under the InstallPath node: If the environment still exists on your computer, change the value of the ExecutablePath entry to the correct location. Also correct the values for the (Default) and WindowedExecutablePath entries, as necessary. If the environment no longer exists on...