处理多个异常的try-except语句: >>>try:...os.remove('test01.log')...exceptOSError, e:...print'No such file or directory: ', e...exceptTypeError, e:...print'Type argument Error: ', e...No such file or directory: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'test01.log' 捕获所有异常...
pass ... >>> function(0, a=0) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> TypeError: function() got multiple values for keyword argument 'a' 当**name存在表单的最终形式参数时,它接收包含除了与形式参数相对应的所有关键字参数的字典(参见映射类型 - 字典)。
You can think of a lambda expression as a shortcut for making a function which will evaluate a single Python expression and return the result of that expression. So defining a lambda expression doesn’t actually evaluate that expression: it returns a function that can evaluate that expression la...
When passing parameters, you can unpack them by adding an asterisk before the actual parameter sequence, and then pass them to multiple single-variable formal parameters 如果函数实参是字典,可以在前面加两个星号进行解包,等价于关键参数 If the function argument is a dictionary, you can add two asteri...
if not expression: raise AssertionError(arguments) 1. 2. import sys assert 'linux' in sys.platform, "该代码只能在 Linux 下执行" 1. 2. 3. 结果: Traceback (most recent call last): File "learnException.py", line 149, in <module> ...
main.py:9: error: Incompatible typesinassignment (expression hastype"float", variable hastype"int") main.py:14: error: Argument1to"multiply"has incompatibletype"Set[str]"; expected"Sequence[Union[int, float]]"Found2errorsin1file (checked1source file) ...
as 表示将异常重命名。 代码示例如下: try: do_something() except NameError as e: # should pass except KeyError, e: # should not pass 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 在Python2的时代,你可以使用以上两种写法中的任意一种。在Python3中你只能使用第一种写法,第二种写法已经不再支持。第一个种写法可读性...
if not expression1: raise AssertionError(expression2) 补充:__debug__内置常量 正常情况下为True,在以-O运行方式中为False -O运行方式用于移除assert语句以及任何以__debug__的值作为条件的代码 示例: a=input('输入a的值:')b=input('输入b的值:')asserta==b,'a不等于b'print('a等于b') ...
import getpass secret_spell = getpass.getpass("Whisper the secret spell: ") 9. Command Line Arguments Working with and parsing command line arguments: import sys # The script's name is the first argument, followed by those passed by the invoker script, first_arg, second_arg = sys.argv ...
pass ... >>> func <function func at 0x1053abec0> >>> import math >>> math <module 'math' from '.../math.cpython-312-darwin.so'> >>> [int, len, func, math] [ <class 'int'>, <built-in function len>, <function func at 0x1053abec0>, <module 'math' from '.../math....