nix-shell -p 'python311Packages.llm' Build log error: Python version mismatch in 'python3.11-llm-0.14': The Python derivation 'python3.11-llm-0.14' depends on a Python derivation named 'python3.12-click-default-group-1.2.4', but the two derivations use different versions of Python: 'python3...
build python resource package .whl upload .whl to the package registry python package release name convention
library(reticulate)virtualenv_create(envname = "langchain_env", packages = c( "langchain", "openai", "pypdf", "bs4", "python-dotenv", "chromadb", "tiktoken")) # Only do this once1.2.注意,用户可以随意命名其环境。如果需要在创建环境后安装软件包,使用py_install(),如下所示:复制 py...
Installing collected packages: paginate, nh3, zipp, websockets, watchdog, uvloop, urllib3, ujson, sniffio, six, shellingham, scipy, rfc3986, regex, PyYAML, python-multipart, python-dotenv, pygments, pydantic-core, pycparser, pluggy, platformdirs, pkginfo, pathspec, packaging, orjson, mypy-ext...
virtualenv_create(envname = "langchain_env", packages = c( "langchain", "openai", "pypdf", "bs4", "python-dotenv", "chromadb", "tiktoken")) # Only do this once 1. 2. 注意,用户可以随意命名其环境。如果需要在创建环境后安装软件包,使用py_install(),如下所示: ...
packages=find_packages(exclude=[ 'test*', 'configs', 'data', 'docs', 'tools', 'tmp', ]), keywords=[ 'AI', 'NLP', 'in-context learning', 'large language model', 'evaluation', 'benchmark', 'llm' ], classifiers=[ 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8', ...
Python Modules and Packages In this quiz, you'll test your understanding of Python modules and packages, which are mechanisms that facilitate modular programming. Modular programming involves breaking a large programming task into smaller, more manageable subtasks or modules. This approach has several ...
conda channels (源) 是 packages 存储的位置,也即是你是从哪个来源下载这个包,对应到conda内部处理则是下载文件的链接。因为不同源会有相同名字的包,因此必须指定来源,同时安装conda的时候也会有一个默认的channel。目前主流的就是 conda-forge,齐全且更新快。如果有多个channel,他们会按顺序确定优先级,优先的源上...
Search for dataset pyVips: python & deb package Run those installation lines below: !ls /kaggle/input/pyvips-python-and-deb-package # intall the deb packages !dpkg -i --force-depends /kaggle/input/pyvips-python-and-deb-package/linux_packages/archives/*.deb # install the python wrapper !pip...
Which tools and Python packages should you use for sentiment analysis? This week, Jodie Burchell, developer advocate for data science at JetBrains, returns to the show to discuss modern sentiment analysis in Python. Play EpisodeEpisode 231: Good Python Programming Practices When New to the Language...