python3 package_A/
在刚入门python时,模块化编程、模块、类库等术语常常并不容易理清。尤其是Modules(模块)和Packages(包),在import引用时很容易混淆出错。 实际上,Python中的函数(Function)、类(Class)、模块(Module)、包库(Package),都是为了实现模块化引用,让程序的组织更清晰有条理。1 👉通常,函数、变量、类存储在被称为模块(...
You can also bind and unbind module attributes outside the body (i.e., in other modules), generally using attribute reference syntax (where M is any expression whose value is the module, and identifier name is the attribute name). For clarity, however, it's usually best to limit...
接下来我们介绍packages。 可以使用一个package来进一步组织模块。 package定义:A python module which contain submodules or recursively, subpackgaes. Technically, a package is a python module with an _path_ attribute. ---来自 请注意:包仍然是一个模块。作为用户来说,无需担心是导入模块还是包。实际上,...
总结 这篇文章其实看了有些时候了,当时感觉基本掌握了,直到今天,认真地做了一下笔记,逐字逐句地阅读了一番,感觉又明白了不少东西。 参考
肯定是多个,相关的,Python文件的组合;package是用来把相关的模块组织在一起,成为一个整体的; 参考资料 Modules What’s the difference between a Python module and a Python package? difference between a library and a module Difference between a library and a module… Python importing, modules, packages...
注意到多级package的import,虽然该路径上的所有packages都被引入了,但是使用的时候仍然必须使用完整路径。 将package/_init_.py改成如下: print "<<<in>>>" import package2 def say_hello(): print "Hi, my name is Forrest!" ...
Python Modules and Packages In this quiz, you'll test your understanding of Python modules and packages, which are mechanisms that facilitate modular programming. Modular programming involves breaking a large programming task into smaller, more manageable subtasks or modules. This approach has several...
以python2.7为例,一般在python安装目录/lib/site-packages下,本文以删除pexpect为例,在该目录下找到安装目录(pexpect)及配置目录(pexpect-4.4.0.dist-info),删除掉。 第三步:删除安装配置行 在python安装目录/lib/site-packages/easy-install.pth文件中找到pexpect对应的行,删除即可。