1、你用 Python 做过最酷的事情是什么?[31] Reddit 上的热门讨论帖,也有近 700 条评论,需要刷很久才能看完。。。 2、鼓励使用命名参数的语法糖[32] 函数的命名参数提高了可读性,但也可能使代码重复和冗长。作者提出了一个简化变量写法的语法糖,得到了不少核心开发者的支持。 欢迎订阅 微信公众号 [33]:除...
Brett Cannon: Python 2.7 released (and what that means) Reddit thread on Python 2.7 release Python moratorium and the future of 2.xAdditional Resources Automate Your Governance and Policy Management with ActiveState In today’s modern software development landscape, where speed to production and in...
Namespace/Package: reddit_analyzer Class/Type: RedditAnalyzer Method/Function: get_debug_str 导入包: reddit_analyzer 每个示例代码都附有代码来源和完整的源代码,希望对您的程序开发有帮助。 示例1 def test_weight_1(): title = """27 [M] 5'11" - 250 to 205 lbs - 3 months.""" self_text ...
注意:Reddit上的几个人已经提醒我,assert False实际上在优化构建( ) 中完全优化掉了python -O ...。因此,直接引发异常会更安全。还有typing.assert_never来自Python 3.11 的,它明确地告诉类型检查器落到这个分支应该是一个“编译时”错误。联合类型的一个很好的属性是它是在作为联合一部分的类之外定义的。因...
Stack Overflow (great for finding help with programming problems) r/Python on Reddit Sitepoint's Python Community Discussions on GitHub Don’t forget about Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube. Influencers can be a fantastic source of inspiration and information.Keep...
Discuss in the comments below, on Hacker News, or on Reddit.Footnotes [1] Funnily enough, the aphorism itself fails at “one obvious way to do it”. It is with dashes set in two different ways (with spaces after but not before, and with spaces before but not after), and none of ...
Reddit - (Repo, Home) Social news forum with voting, commenting, karma, and more. (Archival repo from 2017.) SABnzbd - (Repo, Home, Docs) Simple, cross-platform newsreader for downloading from Usenet. Supports many integrations and 16 languages. Tribler - (Repo, Home, WP) Privacy enhanced...
PyLoad - (Repo, Home) Download manager with a web interface and API. (linux, windows, mac) Qute Browser - (Repo, Home) Keyboard-driven, minimal, vim-like browser based on PyQt5. (linux, windows, mac, qt5) Reddit - (Repo, Home) Social news forum with voting, commenting, karma, an...
声明过后,此次事件在Reddit社区引起了热烈讨论,成为热门话题。很多开发者言辞激烈地进行了谴责,迫于压力,Uri Goren最终从GitHub 和Python官方库PyPI中彻底移除了SSH-Decorator下载库。 其它类似事例 这不是开源软件第一次存在后门的事件,也就在4月底,NPM包管理团队(Node Package Manager)发现,有攻击者意欲想在流行的Java...
声明过后,此次事件在Reddit社区引起了热烈讨论,成为热门话题。很多开发者言辞激烈地进行了谴责,迫于压力,Uri Goren最终从GitHub 和 Python官方库PyPI中彻底移除了SSH-Decorator下载库。 其它类似事例 这不是开源软件第一次存在后门的事件,也就在4月底,NPM包管理团队(Node Package Manager)发现,有攻击者意欲想在流行的Ja...