Python interview questions and answers: Learn about Python's basic syntax and data types, including variables, operators, control flow, input/output, and more. Explore the rules for naming variables, built-in data types, type conversion, and more.
If you are preparing for a tech interview, check out ourtechnical interview checklist,interview questionspage, andsalary negotiation ebooktoget interview-ready!Also, readAmazon Coding Interview Questions,Facebook Coding Interview Questions, andGoogle Coding Interview Questionsfor specific insights and guidanc...
Membership operators are used to test if a sequence is present in an object. The in and not in operators are examples of these: x = ["apple", "banana"] print("banana" in x) # returns True x = ["apple", "banana"] print("pineapple" not in x) # returns True ...
So if you are looking forward to a Python Interview, here are some most probable questions to be asked in the interview that will help: What is the difference between deep and shallow copy? Write a program to find out the name of an object in python. How can the ternary operators be u...
Operators是特殊函数,它们比较一个或多个值并产生相应的结果。其中is:当2个操作数为true时返回true(例如:“a”是'a') not:返回布尔值的倒数 in:检查某个元素是否存在于某个序列中 Q34、Python中help()和dir()函数的用法是什么? Help()和dir()这两个函数都可以从Python解释器直接访问,并用于查看内置函数的合...
想了解关于位运算符的更多内容请点击 Operators in Python( Q.31. 如何在 Python 使用多进制数字? 除十进制以外,在 Python 中还可以使用二进制、八进制、十六进制。 1. 二进制数有 0 和 1 组成,我们使用 0b 或 0B 前缀表示二进制数 ...
想了解关于位运算符的更多内容请点击 Operators in Python( Q.31. 如何在 Python 使用多进制数字? 除十进制以外,在 Python 中还可以使用二进制、八进制、十六进制。 1. 二进制数有 0 和 1 组成,我们使用 0b 或 0B 前缀表示二进制数 10 使用bin() 函数可以将数字转换为二进制 ...
Python Interview Questions for Beginners The following questions test the basic knowledge of Python keywords, syntax and functions. 1. What is a dynamically typed language? A dynamically typed language is a programming language in whichvariable types are determined at runtime, rather than being explic...
Operators是特殊函数,它们比较一个或多个值并产生相应的结果。其中is:当2个操作数为true时返回true(例如:“a”是'a') not:返回布尔值的倒数 in:检查某个元素是否存在于某个序列中 Q34、Python中help()和dir()函数的用法是什么? Help()和dir()这两个函数都可以从Python解释器直接访问,并用于查看内置函数的合...
While merge() also filters data in a way, here we’re talking about using the comparison operators (==, <, >, <=, >=), between(), or some other ways to limit the number of rows in the output. Let’s see how this is done in Python!