## 一、环境配置确保已经安装了Python后安装pip命令```javascriptpython -m ensurepip --default-pip```卸载python -m pip uninstall pip```查看是否安装成功pip --version```## 二、安装OpenAI SDK进入项目文件夹下,安装项目依赖代码环境:JavaScript# 下载 openai 包pi
pip install openai # 查看openai版本 openai --version # 或者 pip show openai ``` ## 三、新建一个index.py文件 在文件夹新建index.py文件后,复制下方代码 ```python from openai import OpenAI client = OpenAI( api_key = "自己的API key", # 此处的key需要自己通过官方购买 或者通过其他渠道获取 bas...
client=OpenAI(api\_key="自己的API key",# 此处的key需要自己通过官方购买 或者通过其他渠道获取base\_url="https://api.agicto.cn/v1"# 中转地址)chat\_completion=client.chat.completions.create(messages=[{"role":"user","content":"讲个笑话",}],model="gpt-3.5-turbo",#此处可更换其它模型)print...
openai/openai-python#742andhttps://github.com/openai/openai-python/blob/main/README.md). I wanted to understand what's the best possible way to make this work with Pyodide? Should I consider rolling back to v0.28.0 which uses requests? Create the wheel: git clone --branch release-v0.28...
OpenAI Python Library The OpenAI Python library provides convenient access to the OpenAI API from applications written in the Python language. It includes a pre-defined set of classes for API resources that initialize themselves dynamically from API responses which makes it compatible with a wide rang...
High performance texture randomization We use thedomain randomization(opens in a new window)technique across many projects at OpenAI. The latest version of mujoco-py supports headless GPU rendering; this yields a speedup of ~40x compared to CPU-based rendering, letting us generate hundreds of ...
方法1,bash命令验证 $ pip show openai 方法2,python脚本验证 importopenaiprint(openai.__version__)...
OpenAI Python 0.28.1 ConsoleIkkopja pip install openai --upgrade This provides context for what has changed and allows you to test the new library in parallel while continuing to provide support for version0.28.1. If you upgrade to1.xand realize you need to temporarily revert back to the pr...
Whether you’re a beginner, an experienced developer, or an algo trader looking to get a hand up on the competition, this tutorial will give you a solid foundation for using the OpenAI API in your Python projects. Don’t waste any more time struggling with outdated or confusing resources –...
service_id=service_id, **azure_openai_settings_from_dot_env_as_dict(include_api_version=True) )# Add the AI service to the kernelkernel.add_service(chat_service)# Get the Prompt Execution Settingsreq_settings = kernel.get_service(service_id).instantiate_prompt_execution_settings( ...