Python Open Source Project List 分类:Python3 方倍工作室 粉丝-3715关注 -4 +加关注 0 0
与Jupyter Notebook不同,Pyodid的计算发生在浏览器中,可直接访问DOM等Web API技术、更适合共享和协作。和iodide project 不同的是,当你想在浏览器里运行Python的时候,你都可以单独运行Pyodid。 项目地址: demo地址: Botflow: ...
在此博客中,您将学习如何操作! Ever wanted to create a Python library, albeit for your team at work or for some open source project online? In this blog you will learn how to! 当您使用相同的开发工具 Pycharm ,你会最容易跟上我的教程,当然您也可以使用不同的工具。 The tutorial is easiest t...
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Open-source python project to handle the storage and linking of open-source intelligence (ala Maltego) - mgeide/poortego
链接: 在过去的一年里,Mybridge比较了近1000个的Python开源库,并从中评选出34个最有用的工具来帮助你的开发,这些开源项目被分成8个大类,平均Star为3293 ...
Geopandas: GeoPandas is an open source project to make working with geospatial data in python easier. GeoPandas extends the datatypes used by pandas to allow spatial operations on geometric types. whitebox: The whitebox Python package is built on WhiteboxTools, an advanced geospatial data analysi...
Python is an east-use program language, It is useful now, and has been implied to many open-source project, also is Go, which has been used in my favorite Docker. Basic Small examples 斐波那契数序列 a,b=0,1 while b<10: print(b, [end=' ']) ...
Patchwork - (Repo, Home, Docs) Web-based patch tracking system designed to facilitate code contribution to an open-source project. Designed and used for Linux kernel subsystem development. (server) Plane - (Repo, Home) Modern, self-hostable issue and product roadmap tracker. An alternative to...