# coding=utf-8 a = input('请输入第一个数字:') b = input('请输入第二个数字:') try: c = b - a print(c) except TypeError: # 如果异常类型为类型异常 print('数据类型错误') except FileNotFoundError: # 如果异常类型为文件异常 print('文件不存在') else: print('没有异常') finally: p...
The mkdir() method accepts three arguments: mode, parents and exist_ok. The parents and exist_ok are set to False by default. When set to False, the parents argument throws a FileNotFoundError exception if a parent in the specified path doesn’t exist. exist_ok throws a FileExistsError ...
p = p.resolve(strict=False)# p.is_file() throws an exception in some casesifp.exists()andp.is_file():returnos.access( os.fspath(p), os.W_OK, effective_ids=(os.accessinos.supports_effective_ids), )else:try: fp = p.open('wb')exceptOSError:returnFalseelse: fp.close()withsuppres...
timeout=90)exceptsubprocess32.CalledProcessError:# heroku throws an error here when there are no dep lines to find.# but it's fine. there just aren't no lines.passexceptsubprocess32.TimeoutExpired:# too many files, we'll skip it and move on.self.error ="grep_timeout"passfinally: self...
importrequestsurl='https://www.google.com/images/branding/googlelogo/1x/googlelogo_light_color_272x92dp.png'response=requests.get(url)withopen('image.jpg','wb')asfile:file.write(response.content) That's the power of Requests in a nutshell. Need to scrape the web at scale? Check out our...
','r') #打开文件 except FileNotFoundError: print('文件不存在') else: stus=csv.reader(file) #读取文件内容 2.2K30 python合并两列 需要把数字类型转化为字符串类型,再进行连接 第一种 df1 = pd.DataFrame({'Year': ['2014', '2015'], 'quart... ...
模仿着写的,with open 老是有问题,孩子实在不懂了 def main(): root='d://py//' + '//' a=image_urls.split() for i in a: if not os.path.exists(root): os.mkdir(root) with open(image_urls.split('/')[-1], "wb") as f: res = requests.get(a, headers=headers, data=data) ...
ModeMeaning 'r' Read text file (default) 'w' Write text file (truncates if exists) 'x' Write text file, throw FileExistsError if exists. 'a' Append to text file (write to end) 'rb' Read binary file 'wb' Write binary (truncate) 'w+b' Open binary file for reading and writing '...
(); } /** * 从文件中输入流中加载公钥 * * @param in 公钥输入流 * @throws Exception 加载公钥时产生的异常 */ public void loadPublicKey(InputStream in) throws Exception { try { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); String readLine = null; StringBuilder sb =...
In some cases, you may not want to suppress an exception, but you want some code to be executed regardless of whether or not the code in the try block succeeds. To do this, use finally: f = open(path, mode="w") try: write_to_file(f) finally: f.close() Here, the file object...