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Sprint 2. Итоговыйпроект. Contribute to BobTsap/python_oop_practice development by creating an account on GitHub.
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Github地址: 在软件开发过程中,调试是一个不可或缺的环节。然而,传统的调试方法可能会很繁琐,尤其是当需要跟踪代码中的变量值和执行流程时。为了简化调试过程,Python 社区提供了许多优秀的调试工具,其中之一就是 pysnooper 库。本文将深入介绍 pysnooper 库的原理、用法以及如何在...
You can check out the GitHub page here: 袁德俊 2年前 Real Python 团队成员的爱好,科幻迷 James Mertz @NASA JPL 的软件保障 詹姆斯·默茨 充满激情的Python 主义者 PyCon 2019:快速回顾 袁德俊 2年前 sig/mixshare/ sig/mix...
(Code to produce these plots can be found in the R examples in the documentation) Comparison against other libraries The foldertimingscontains a speed comparison against other Isolation Forest implementations in Python (SciKit-Learn, EIF) and R (IsolationForest, isofor, solitude). From the benchma...
Examples: 示例代码,展示函数的典型用法。 Notes: 关于此函数额外的注意点或相关信息。 """ 注释规范 避免冗余注释,特别是那些明显从代码中可以推断出的信息。 在复杂逻辑分支或临时解决方案处使用行内注释,但请务必保持精练并及时更新。 6.1.2 参考开源项目的文档实践 了解并借鉴优秀的开源项目文档实践是提升自身... Python GUI开发,效率提升10倍的方法! 用Python计算颜值数 ...
I'm from Dayanandasagar College of Engineering (7th sem, CSE). Firstly i want to say that your book "The byte of python" is too good a book for a beginner in python like me.The concepts are so well explained with simple examples that helped me to easily learn python. Thank you so ...
The bootcamp curriculum covers HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, OOP, AI, and more. The workshops cover how to effectively communicate with developers, how to become a front end developer, advanced Python skills, and how to break into tech. Students learn through bite-size lessons followed by ...