然后笔者在vscode上找到了一个叫PythonCppDebugger的拓展,其原理和第一种方法一致,只是把找pid的过程自动实现了。这个方法仅仅只需要在第一种方法的基础上改一下launch.json即可: launch.json: { "name": "(gdb) Launch python Attach cpp", "type": "pythoncpp", // 该拓展特定的会话type "request": "lau...
OnlineGDB is online IDE with python debugger. Easy way to debug python program online. Debug with online pdb console.
然而,实际工作中大量代码很可能出自他人之手,这种情况下,使用debugger就显得更加高效了。一、在控制台下进行程序调试PDB如果你熟悉命令行调试工具(例如gdb、lldb),那么使用Python中的PDB将获得非常好的体验,PDB不仅支持项目启动时进行调用,也支持在Python shell中交互式调试;功能上,支持断点、步进、异常捕获和解决、变量...
2、然后打开这个网址 ftp://sourceware.org/pub/gdb/releases/,下载需要安装的gdb源码包。我们下载的源码包是gdb-7.8.1.tar.gz。 3、解压压缩包。压缩包解压结束后,进入解压后的目录。 #gzip -d gdb-7.8.1.tar.gz #tar xfv gdb-7.8.1.tar.gz #cd gdb-7.8.1 1. 2. 3. 4、然后一次执行如下命令,...
在Linux平台上,你可以使用gdb(GNU Debugger)来调试C/C++代码。对于与Python交互的C/C++代码,你需要...
1.什么是GDB? GDB全称是GNU Project Debugger,当程序执行时,让你可以进入到另一个程序的内部查看,或者当一个程序崩溃的时候它在做什么。 GDB可以帮助你做如下四种主要的方面,来帮助你捕捉到bug: 1.启动你的程序,指定可能影响你行为的事情(设定初始的一些变量) ...
[],"externalConsole":false,"MIMode":"gdb","miDebuggerPath":"/usr/bin/gdb","setupCommands":[{"description":"为 gdb 启用整齐打印","text":"-enable-pretty-printing","ignoreFailures":true},{"description":"将反汇编风格设置为 Intel","text":"-gdb-set disassembly-flavor intel","ignoreFailures"...
Voltron - (Repo) Extensible debugger wrapper aiming to improve the user experience of various debuggers, such as LLDB, GDB, and WinDbg. (linux, windows, mac) YunoHost - (Repo, Home, Docs) Server operating system based on Debian Linux aiming to make self-hosting accessible to as many people...
However Python has its own rich programming language so it seems silly to recreate the macro language that is ingdb. Simpler and more powerful is just to use Python here. A debugger macro here is just a lambda expression which returns a string or a list of strings. Each string returned sh...
// For more information, visit: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=830387 "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ { "name": "Python C++ Debugger", "type": "pythoncpp", "request": "launch", "pythonLaunchName": "Python: Current File", "cppAttachName": "(gdb) Attach" }, ...