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BitBoost sells software, custom software development services, and other computer-related services. Our best-known retail software product is PawSense[TM], which protects computers against 'cat typing.' We also sell a Python source code obfuscator to h
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python3.xintensio_obfuscator.py -d -i test/python/multiplefiles/advanced/input/basicRAT-c python -o test/python/multiplefiles/advanced/output/basicRAT -m high -r -p-rm 许可证协议 本项目遵循MIT开源许可证协议。 免责声明 Intensio-Obfuscator的开发出于教育目的,请不要将其用于非法活动。
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www.bitboost.com offers a python obfuscator. | using cxfreeze ( py2exe for linux ) will do the job. http://cx-freeze.sourceforge.net/ Python Code Obfuscation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/576963/python-code-obfuscation
[712星][2m] [YARA] rednaga/apkid Android Application Identifier for Packers, Protectors, Obfuscators and Oddities - PEiD for Android [366星][3m] [Java] patrickfav/uber-apk-signer A cli tool that helps signing and zip aligning single or multiple Android application packages (APKs) with eith...
than the original code! But there are also free "obfuscator s" that make your compiled bytecode (a lot) harder to decompile. Python bytecode has some pretty good decompilers too. But I don't know about any decent C decompiler. If anyone does, though, I'd ...
liftoff/pyminifier - Pyminifier is a Python code minifier, obfuscator, and compressor. klen/muffin - Muffin is a fast, simple and asyncronous web-framework for Python 3 eliben/pyelftools - Pure-python library for parsing ELF and DWARF kurtmckee/feedparser - Parse feeds in Python sweetsoftware...
liftoff/pyminifier - Pyminifier is a Python code minifier, obfuscator, and compressor.Katee/quietnet - Simple chat program using the speaker/microphone on a laptop and inaudible soundsopenstack/nova - OpenStack Compute (Nova)hickford/MechanicalSoup - A Python library for automating interaction with ...