merged into Setuptools: Distribute is a deprecated fork of the Setuptools project. Since the Setuptools 0.7 release, Setuptools and Distribute have merged and Distribute is no longer being maintained. All ongoing effort should reference the Setuptools project and the Setuptools documentation. You may ...
File"<string>", line 1,in<module> File"/tmp/pip-build-wgl7mey2/cryptography/", line 14,in<module> from setuptools_rust import RustExtension ImportError: No module named'setuptools_rust'--- Command"python egg_info"failed with error code 1in/tmp/pip-build-wgl7mey2/cry...
1. 安装pip依赖报错 2. 处理方法 pip3install-U pip setuptools
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'setuptools_rust' --- Command "python egg_info" failed with error code 1 in /tmp/pip-build-gsnl9xmu/cryptography/ The command '/bin/sh -c python3 -m pip install -r /home/requirements.txt -i' re...
Python库 | setuptools_rust-0.11.3-py3-none-any.whl python库,解压后可用。 资源全名:setuptools_rust-0.11.3-py3-none-any.whl 上传者:qq_38161040时间:2022-03-24 python下setuptools的安装详解及No module named setuptools的解决方法 主要给大家介绍了关于python下setuptools的安装以及No module named setuptoo...
要解决bcrypt库安装过程中提示没有setuptools_rust的问题,我们需要手动设置VC++构建工具的路径。下面是解决方法的步骤: 步骤一:安装VC++构建工具 首先,确保已经安装了Microsoft Visual Studio并且包含了VC++构建工具。如果没有安装,可以从[ 步骤二:设置VC++构建工具路径 ...
在使用python3.8的pip安装 cryptography 时报如下错误 解决办法, 升级pip即可 python3.8 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python -m pip install --upgrade pip 第二条,提示信息No module named setuptools_rust pip install ...
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