Network programming Network programming tools in Python allow developers to create networked applications ranging from simple clients to complex distributed systems. The socket module serves as the cornerstone for network communication, supporting both TCP and UDP protocols. he asyncio library enables asynchr...
PyTorch offers a high-level interface that simplifies the implementation of complexneural networkarchitectures while maintaining the flexibility to customize models. Here is what developers get from the PyTorch library: Core data structures similar to NumPy arrays but with GPU acceleration. An automatic d...
neural_network [] pre-commit autoupdate -- ruff 2025 stable format (#12521 Jan 14, 2025 other Doomsday Algorithm: Fix leap year check (#12396) Jan 18, 2025 physics Added the algorithm to compute the time period of a simple pendulum (#… Dec 31, 2024 project_euler Fix ruf...
snownlp - A library for processing Chinese text. Network Virtualization Tools and libraries for Virtual Networking and SDN (Software Defined Networking). mininet - A popular network emulator and API written in Python. napalm - Cross-vendor API to manipulate network devices. pox - A Python-based ...
python-magic- A Python interface to the libmagic file type identification library. A module wrapper foros.path. watchdog- API and shell utilities to monitor file system events. Unipath- An object-oriented approach to file/directory operations. ...
List of Algorithms The Algorithms - Python All algorithms implemented in Python - for education Implementations are for learning purposes only. They may be less efficient than the implementations in the Python standard library. Use them at your discretion. Getting Started Read through our Contribution...
Sometimes, system administrators also create their own internal package index to better control which package versions are available to pip users on the company’s network.A custom package index must comply with PEP 503 – Simple Repository API to work with pip. You can get an impression of ...
PyBrain是Python的模块化机器学习库。它的目标是为机器学习任务和各种预定义的环境提供灵活、易于使用且强大的算法来测试和比较算法。PyBrain是Python-Based Reinforcement Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Neural Network Library的缩写。 我们将利用一个简单的例子来展示PyBrain的用法,构建一个多层感知器 (Multi Layer...
Python Imaging Library(PIL)已经成为Python事实上的图像处理标准库了,这是由于,PIL功能非常强大,但API却非常简单易用。但是由于PIL仅支持到Python 2.7,再加上年久失修,于是一群志愿者在PIL的基础上创建了兼容的版本,名字叫Pillow,支持最新Python 3.x,又加入...
Netmiko Library Author:Kirk Byers Date:Sept 30, 2021 Since late 2014, I have been working on an open-source Python library that simplifies SSH management to network devices. The library is based on the Paramiko SSH library and is named Netmiko....