Python Nested if Statements It is possible to include anifstatement inside anotherifstatement. For example, number =5# outer if statementifnumber >=0:# inner if statementifnumber ==0:print('Number is 0')# inner else statementelse:print('Number is positive')# outer else statementelse:print(...
Nested if .. else statement You can nest if statements inside each other to check multiple conditions sequentially. The outer if is evaluated first, and if it’s True, the inner if or else block is evaluated. Here is the syntax: Syntax: if expression1 : if expression2 : statement_3 sta...
Once you are feeling comfortable with theif,elif, andelsestatements, you can move on to nested conditional statements. We can use nestedifstatements for situations where we want to check for a secondary condition if the first condition executes as true. For this, we can have an if-else stat...
elif是“else if”的缩写。elif语句数量不受限制;若有else语句,其必须在最末尾,但是不一定要有else语句,如:每个条件按顺序检查,第一个false,则到下一个;其中某一个为true,对应的分支就会执行,然后语句结束。不管有多少条件为true,只执行第一个为true的。4.7 嵌套条件(nestedconditionals)一个条件可套...
You can haveifstatements insideifstatements, this is callednestedifstatements. Example x =41 ifx >10: print("Above ten,") ifx >20: print("and also above 20!") else: print("but not above 20.") Try it Yourself » The pass Statement ...
Watch it together with the written tutorial to deepen your understanding: Conditional Statements in Python (if/elif/else)From the previous tutorials in this series, you now have quite a bit of Python code under your belt. Everything you have seen so far has consisted of sequential execution, ...
Beautiful is better than ugly.Explicit is better than implicit.Simple is better than complex.Complex is better than complicated.Flat is better than nested.Sparse is better than dense.Readability counts.Special cases aren't special enough tobreakthe rules.Although practicality beats purity.Errors should...
Make decisions with conditional statements: write "if" statements with "elif" and "else"; use comparison operators; join multiple conditions with "and", "or" and "not"; create nested ifs Repeat code multiple times using loops: write "for" and "while" loops; use "for" loops with range(...
A nested loop is structurally similar tonestedifstatements Python for loop with range() function Python range is one of thebuilt-in functions. When you want the for loop to run for a specific number of times, or you need to specify a range of objects to print out, the range function wo...