from collections import namedtuple # 定义命名元组类:Point Point = namedtuple('Point', ['x', 'y']) # 初始化Point对象,即可用位置参数,也可用命名参数 p = Point(11, y=22) # 像普通元组一样用根据索引访问元素 print(p[0] + p[1]) 33 #执行元组解包,按元素的位置解包 a, b = p print(a,...
"Best Match")) print("-" * 50) for query in ("feel good story", "climate change", ...
1.namedtuple: 生成可以使用名字来访问元素内容的tuple 2.deque: 双端队列,可以快速的从另外一侧追加和推出对象 3.Counter: 计数器,主要用来计数 4.OrderedDict: 有序字典 5.defaultdict: 带有默认值的字典 ''' namedtuple 具名元组 代码语言:javascript 复制 from collections import namedtuple point = namedtuple('...
from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import NamedTuple from collections import namedtuple @dataclass(frozen=True) class Name: first_name: str surname: str class Money(NamedTuple): currency: str value: int Line = namedtuple('Line', ['sku', 'qty']) def test_equality(): assert Money(...
classWord(str):'''单词类,按照单词长度来定义比较行为'''def__new__(cls,word):# 注意,我们只能使用 __new__ ,因为str是不可变类型# 所以我们必须提前初始化它(在实例创建时)if' 'inword:print"Value contains spaces. Truncating to first space."word=word[:word.index(' ')]# Word现在包含第一个...
self.original_write(text[::-1])def__exit__(self,exc_type,exc_value,traceback):# ⑥ sys.stdout.write=self.original_write # ⑦ifexc_type is ZeroDivisionError:# ⑧print('Please DO NOT divide by zero!')returnTrue # ⑨ #⑩ ①
Creating aNamedTuplewith zero fields using the syntaxNT = NamedTuple("NT")orNT = NamedTuple("NT", None)is now deprecated. Creating aTypedDictwith zero fields using the syntaxTD = TypedDict("TD")orTD = TypedDict("TD", None)is now deprecated. ...
18、映射名称到序列元素collections.namedtuple19 19、转换并同时计算数据,生成器表达式20 20、合并多个字典或映射collections.ChainMap21 二、字符串和文本23 1、使用多个界定符分割字符串re.split()23 ...
Hashable object needs both hash() and eq() methods and its hash value should never change. Hashable objects that compare equal must have the same hash value, meaning default hash() that returns 'id(self)' will not do. That is why Python automatically makes classes unhashable if you only ...
DataFrame.itertuples([index, name]) #Iterate over DataFrame rows as namedtuples, with index value as first element of the tuple. DataFrame.lookup(row_labels, col_labels) #Label-based “fancy indexing” function for DataFrame. DataFrame.pop(item) #返回删除的项目 ...