Getting "Tensorflow %s is not valid scope name error" while I am trying to create a model for kaggle competition 1 AttributeError: 'Model' object has no attribute '_name' 2 ValueError: name for name_scope must be a string 2 name error arised for an declared variable 0 I keep get...'fivethirtyeight')frompylabimportrcParams rcParams['figure.figsize'] =10,6fromstatsmodels.tsa.stattoolsimportadfullerfromstatsmodels.tsa.seasonalimportseasonal_decomposefromstatsmodels.tsa.arima_modelimportARIMAfrompmdarima.arimaimportauto_arimafromsklearn.metricsimportmean_squared_error, mean_absolut...
*np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(YTest,y_pred_test)*len(YTest)/(values_TM[1, 0] * values_TM[1, 1]))/(89.7) print("mean squared error test", mse_error_test ) if score=="mean_squared_error": new_loss = mean_squared_error(YTest,y_pred_test) elif score== "mean_absolute_error":...
- `Wiki Mean Squared Error <>`_ """withtf.name_scope("mean_squared_error_loss"):ifoutput.get_shape().ndims ==2:# [batch_size, n_feature]ifis_mean: mse = tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_mean(tf.squared_difference(output, target),1))else...
from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error from tensorflow.keras.layers import Input, LSTM, TimeDistributed, RepeatVector, Dense Process data def read_dataset(): """ Read the content of the dataset excel file. The name of the file is defined ...
error = mean_squared_error(test, predictions) return error Now that we know how to evaluate one set of ARIMA hyperparameters, let’s see how we can call this function repeatedly for a grid of parameters to evaluate. 2. Iterate ARIMA Parameters Evaluating a suite of parameters is relatively ...
import statsmodels.api as sm # lm = linear model # typ2 = type 2 sum of squared - most common m = sm.formula.ols('conformity~C(fcategory, Sum)*C(partner_status, Sum)',data=data) model = print(sm.stats.anova_lm(model, typ=2)) # dataframe is returned Plotting matplotli...
normalized_root_mean_squared_error is root mean squared error normalized by range and can be interpreted as the average error magnitude for prediction. r2_score is mean squared error normalized by an estimate of variance of data. It's the proportion of variation that the model can capture....
# starting a conversation >>> print(myBot.get_response("Hi, there!")) Hi >>> print(myBot.get_response("What's your name?")) I'm Sakura. Ask me a math question, please. >>> print(myBot.get_response("Do you know Pythagorean theorem")) a squared plus b squared equals c squared....
>>> n # try to access an undefined variable Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> NameError: name 'n' is not defined 浮点数完全支持; 具有混合类型操作数的运算符将整数操作数转换为浮点数: >>> >>> 4 * 3.75 - 1 14.0 在交互模式下,最后打印的...