合在一起下的 example: Using aforloop atcursor.executewithmulti=Trueworked. I don’t know why we need to loop through. forresultincursor.execute(SQL,multi=True):pass Without loop justcursor.execute(SQL, multi=True)did not do any changes in the database. ...
Before Connector/Python 9.2.0,execute()accepted amultioption and returned an iterator if set toTrue. That option was removed in 9.2.0, andSection 9.3, “Executing Multiple Statements”was added. Note In Python, a tuple containing a single value must include a comma. For example,('abc')is...
For the preceding example, theINSERTstatement sent to MySQL is: INSERTINTOemployees(first_name,hire_date)VALUES('Jane','2005-02-12'),('Joe','2006-05-23'),('John','2010-10-03') With theexecutemany()method, it is not possible to specify multiple statements to execute in theoperationargu...
importMySQLdbdb=MySQLdb.connect(host="mysql.server",user="jansimple",passwd="***",db="jansimple$lekegrind")cur=db.cursor()cur.execute("insert into test values( 'Another PYTHON', 'MySQLdb insert')")cur.execute("SELECT * FROM test")rows=cur.fetchall()printrows# Must commit changes to m...
conn = mysql.connector.connect( host='localhost', user='root', password='root', database='test' ) # 创建一个查询 cmd = conn.cursor() # 执行一条原生的SQL语句,执行结果保存在cmd中,没有返回值 cmd.execute("select id, name, age from stu") # 可以使用fetchall(),获取所有的查询结果集,返...
Now I can then use the id_value variable as the second argument of the execute method. When modifying MySQL data, you can create more complex SQL statements than what I showed you in the previous script. For example, the following UPDATE statement includes a subquery in its WHERE clause: ...
But, when we want a statement or a set of statements to be executed multiple times then we use loops. 1. While loop: loop: We use this loop when we want a statement or a set of statement to execute as long as the Boolean condition associated with it satisfies. In the while loop, ...
在github做了一些研究和询问之后,答案是显而易见的 您需要使用传递所需的参数
except mysql.connector.Error as err: print("Failed creating database: {}".format(err)) exit(1) try: cursor.execute("USE {}".format(DB_NAME)) except mysql.connector.Error as err: print("Database {} does not exists.".format(DB_NAME)) ...
MySQLdb MySQL Native C implementation, high performance psycopg2 PostgreSQL Full DB API 2.0 compliance, async support sqlite3 SQLite Built-in Python module, file-based storage cx_Oracle Oracle Enterprise features, Oracle optimization pyodbc Multiple ODBC standard support, wide compatibility NoSQL databases...