# 定义一个包含多行文本的字符串变量multiline_variable=''' Hello, Welcome to the world of Python! '''# 打印多行字符串变量print(multiline_variable) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 在上面的代码中,我们首先定义了一个名为multiline_variable的变量,并使用三个单引号包围了多行文本内容。然后,我们...
''' print(multiline_string) 改变大小写 你可以很方便的改变字符串的大小写。如下所示: first_name = 'eric' print(first_name) print(first_name.title()) 最常见的大小写形式是全小写(lower),首字母大写(title)和全大写(upper)。如下所示: first_name = 'eric' print(first_name) print(first_name....
看看这个例子: # This is a single-line comment. """This is a multiline string that also works as a multiline comment. """ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 如果您的注释跨越多行,最好使用单个多行注释,而不是几个连续的单行注释,这样更难阅读,如下所示: """This is a good way to write a comment th...
示例7:如何在Python中使用字符串文字? strings ="This is Python"char="C"multiline_str="""This is a multiline string with more than one line code."""unicode= u"\u00dcnic\u00f6de"raw_str= r"raw \n string"print(strings)print(char)print(multiline_str)print(unicode)print(raw_str) 输出...
multiline string that also works as a multiline comment. """ 如果您的注释跨越多行,最好使用单个多行注释,而不是几个连续的单行注释,这样更难阅读,如下所示: """This is a good way to write a comment that spans multiple lines. """# This is not a good way# to write a comment# that sp...
"""This is a multiline string that also works as a multiline comment. """ 如果您的注释跨越多行,最好使用单个多行注释,而不是几个连续的单行注释,这样更难阅读,如下所示: """This is a good way to write a comment that spans multiple lines. """ # This is not a good way # to write...
strings="This is Python"char="C"multiline_str="""This is a multiline string with more than one line code."""unicode=u"\u00dcnic\u00f6de"raw_str=r"raw \n string"print(strings)print(char)print(multiline_str)print(unicode)print(raw_str) ...
multiline string that also worksasa multiline comment.""" 如果您的注释跨越多行,最好使用单个多行注释,而不是几个连续的单行注释,这样更难阅读,如下所示: 代码语言:javascript 复制 """This is a good way to write a comment that spans multiple lines.""" ...
In the output, you can see the multiline string is created usingtriple double quotes (“”” “””)and stored in the variabledaily_task. From a functionality perspective, there is no difference between the triple single quotes(”’”’)and triple double quotes(“”” “””). Both are ...
Multiline Strings You can assign a multiline string to a variable by using three quotes: Example You can use three double quotes: a ="""Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.""" ...