以下是一个实现多行字符串缩进的示例: defindent_multiline_string(input_string):indented_lines=[]forlineininput_string.splitlines():indented_lines.append(" "+line)return"\n".join(indented_lines)# 示例original_multiline_string="""Hello, World! Welcome to Python Programming. Let's learn about st...
=-1defconvert_to_multiline(string):returnf"""{string}"""defformat_multiline(string,indent=0,delimiter="\n"):lines=string.split(delimiter)formatted_lines=[f"{' '*indent}{line}"forlineinlines]returndelimiter.join(formatted_lines)# 示例用法string="这是一个单行字符串"ifnothas_newline(string)...
例如,在生成CSV文件时,字符串连接和格式化至关重要: importcsvdata=[("Alice",30),("Bob",28)]withopen("people.csv","w",newline="")asfile:writer=csv.writer(file)writer.writerow(["Name","Age"])writer.writerows(data) 4. 字符串搜索与替换:在文字海洋中航行 在处理大量文本数据时,查找特定字符...
multiline_string = """ Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 """ 复制代码 输出多行字符串: print(multiline_string) 复制代码 处理多行字符串中的换行符: # 使用 splitlines() 方法将多行字符串分割成行 lines = multiline_string.splitlines() for line in lines: print(line) 复制代码 处理多行字符串中的空白...
Using textwrap.dedent to unindent stringsThe dedent function allows us to indent our code however we'd like.Our multi-line string can be nicely indented in our code because the dedent function will will dedent it for us:from textwrap import dedent def copyright(): print(dedent("""\ ...
multiline_string = "This is a \ multiline \ string." 这里的反斜杠\用于将字符串拆分为多行,整个字符串仍然被视为单个字符串对象。 需要注意的是,使用反斜杠\作为续行符时,它必须位于一行的末尾,而且后面不能有任何字符(除了注释)。如果\后面有空格或其他字符,它就不会被解释为续行符。
1、This is a string. We built it with single quotes. 2、This is also a string, but built with double quotes. 3、This is built using triple quotes, so it can span multiple lines. 4、This too is a multiline onebuilt with triple double-quotes. 2、字符串连接、重复 (1)字符串可以用 ...
String literals can span multiple lines and are delimited by three quotation marks (""") or ('''). Because Python doesn't provide a way to create multiline comments, developers often just use three quotation marks for this purpose. In a Jupyter notebook, however, such quotation marks defin...
where-1is a special value for Vim'sindentexpr, and will keep the existing indent (using Vim'sautoindentsetting).-2is meant to be used for strings that are wrapped withtextwrap.dedentetc. It will add a level of indentation if the multiline string started in the previous line, without any...
在继续下一个主题之前,我想向您展示的最后一件事是三元运算符,或者通俗地说,if/else子句的简短版本。当根据某些条件分配名称的值时,有时使用三元运算符而不是适当的if子句更容易和更可读。在以下示例中,两个代码块完全相同: # ternary.pyorder_total =247# GBP# classic if/else formiforder_total >100: ...