在Python中,模运算符由百分号%表示。 算术5 % 0,如果除数也就是第二个参数等于零,则抛出ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero。取余运算符还接受浮点数作为参数:6.8 % 3.4。 取余运算符的一种常见用法是检查数字是奇数还是偶数。如果一个被2整除,即没有余数,则它是一个偶数。 否则,如果余数...
Sr.No.Operator & Description 1 ** Exponentiation (raise to the power) 2 ~ + - Complement, unary plus and minus (method names for the last two are +@ and -@) 3 * / % // Multiply, divide, modulo and floor division 4 + - Addition and subtraction 5 >> << Right and left bitwise...
As you’ll see, the modulo operator is used twice in the function: Python import string def vigenere_cipher(text, key, decrypt=False): if not text.isascii() or not text.isalpha() or not text.isupper(): raise ValueError("Text must be uppercase ASCII without numbers.") uppercase = ...
The second is a compound expression that combines the modulo (%) and equality (==) operators to create a condition that checks whether the input value is an even number. In this condition, the modulo operator returns the remainder of dividing number by 2, and the equality operator compares ...
Modulo PowerMost of you must be familiar with all of the above operators except for the modulo operator. Don't worry we will explain it. Let's start from the beginning.AdditionAs you might have guessed it's just simple addition of numbers. In order to test the operator, just go to IDL...
ZeroDivisionError:integer division or modulo by zero 取模操作符接受浮点数作为参数: 代码语言:javascript 复制 6.8%3.4 输出: 代码语言:javascript 复制 0.0 代码语言:javascript 复制 使用格式化字符串时,这个`%`代表插值运算符。 二、例子 取模操作符一个最普通的用户场景就是去检查一个数字是否是奇数或者是偶数...
You can take this quiz to test your understanding of the available tools for string formatting in Python, as well as their strengths and weaknesses. These tools include f-strings, the .format() method, and the modulo operator. Interactive Quiz ...
Return x to the power y; if z is present, return x to the power y, modulo z (computed more efficiently than pow(x,y) % z). The two-argument form pow(x, y) is equivalent to using the power operator: x**y. The arguments must have numeric types. With mixed operand types, the ...
(divider), or, in other words, it is divided without a remainder (modulo). However, sometimes, you may need to get an integer quotient for numbers which are not evenly divisible. Such an operation is calledinteger division. Use the floor division operator//to remove the digits after the ...
Zero Division ErrorIt gets raised when division or modulo by zero takes place for all numeric types. Assertion ErrorIt gets raised when the assert statement fails. Overflow ErrorIt gets raised when the result of an arithmetic operation is too large to be represented. ...