import math# 计算平方根sqrt_value = math.sqrt(25)print("Square Root:", sqrt_value)# 计算正弦值sin_value = math.sin(math.radians(30))print("Sine Value:", sin_value)「re 模块」正则表达式在Python中的扩展实现,该模块能支持正则表达式几乎所有语法,对于文本处理来说必不可少 import re# 查找匹...
importmath# 计算平方根sqrt_value=math.sqrt(25)print("Square Root:",sqrt_value)# 计算正弦值sin_...
使用标准库的一个显著优点是,它是Python的一部分,所以不需要单独安装。 示例:使用标准库中的math模块 Python的math模块提供了许多数学功能,比如三角函数、对数等。下面的代码展示了如何使用math模块计算一个数的平方根。 importmath number=16square_root=math.sqrt(number)print(f"{number}的平方根是{square_root}"...
importmath# 计算平方根x=16sqrt_x=math.sqrt(x)print(f"The square root of{x}is{sqrt_x}")# 计算2的8次方power_result=math.pow(2,8)print(f"2 to the power of 8 is{power_result}")# 计算sin和cosangle=math.pi/2# 90 degrees in radianssin_value=math.sin(angle)cos_value=math.cos(an...
Round a square root number downwards to the nearest integer: # Import math Libraryimport math# Print the square root of different numbersprint (math.sqrt(10))print (math.sqrt (12)) print (math.sqrt (68))print (math.sqrt (100))# Round square root downward to the nearest integerprint (ma...
def square_root(number): return math.sqrt(number) square_root(72) 现在打开终端,试着运行这个文件,你会得到以下回溯信息(traceback): Traceback (most recent call last): File"", line 1, in<module> import math File"/Users/michael/Desktop/", line 6, in<module> ...
In [1]: import math In [2]: math.sqrt(4) Out[2]: 2.0 In this code, on input line 1 you imported the math library that is built-in to Python. Then, input line 2 computes the square root of 4 using the square root function from within the math library. The math.sqrt() line...
You can solve this equation using the Python square root function: Python >>>a=27>>>b=39>>>math.sqrt(a**2+b**2)47.43416490252569 So, Nadal must run about 47.4 feet (14.5 meters) in order to reach the ball and save the point. ...
Example: Python Library Function importmath# sqrt computes the square rootsquare_root = math.sqrt(4)print("Square Root of 4 is",square_root)# pow() comptes the powerpower = pow(2,3)print("2 to the power 3 is",power) Run Code ...