match语句后跟一个表达式,然后使用case语句来定义不同的模式。 case后跟一个模式,可以是具体值、变量、通配符等。 可以使用if关键字在case中添加条件。 _通常用作通配符,匹配任何值。实例1. 简单的值匹配实例 def match_example(value): match value: case 1: print("匹配到值为1") case 2: print("匹配到值...
Match Case is similar to a Switch Case It's still possible to use match case as a common switch case: from http import HTTPStatus import random http_status = random.choice( [ HTTPStatus.OK, HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, ] ) # 👇 Simplest example, can be ...
如果所有case都匹配不上的就执行case _:对应的语句块,语句结束。 case后必须跟“字面值”,也就是说,不能是表达式。 example1 # match-case的基本例子color=input("请输入需要查询的颜色:")matchcolor:case"red"|"红"|"红色":r,g,b=255,0,0case"green"|"绿"|"绿色":r,g,b=0,255,0case"yellow"|...
Note:Thematch..casestatement was introduced in Python3.10and doesn't work on older versions. It is similar to theswitch…casestatement in other programming languages such as C++ and Java. Now, let's look at a few examples of thematch..casestatement. Example 1: Python Statement...
在 Python 3.10 中,新增了一个叫做 Match-Case 的语法,这是一种新的条件语句,类似于 switch/case...
`match-case`语法的基本形式如下:```python match expression:case pattern1:# 处理 pattern1 的语句...
match、case、_ python3.10新增的关键字,用于匹配语句,相当于其它语言中的分支结构switch-case。 之前的python版本中,一直由if...elif...[elif...]else来代替。 def process_data(data):match data:case 1:return "数据为1"case 2:return "数据为2"case 3:return "数据为3"case _:return "未知数据"print...
match n: case n if n < 0: print(f"{n}: negative value") case n if n == 0: print(f"{n}: zero") case n if n > 0: print(f"{n}: positive value") The example chooses a random integer. Withmatch/casewe determine, if the value is negative, zero, or positive. ... #Example of using shell-wildcard style matching in list comprehensionsfromfnmatchimportfnmatchcase as match addresses=['5412 N CLARK ST','1060 W ADDISON ST','1039 W GRANVILLE AVE','2122 N CLARK ST','4802 N BROADWAY',
# <project_root>/tests/ import unittest import azure.functions as func from function_app import main class TestFunction(unittest.TestCase): def test_my_second_function(self): # Construct a mock HTTP request. req = func.HttpRequest(method='GET', body=None, url='...