#Genericfunctionformaking a classification modelandaccessing performance: def classification_model(model, data, predictors, outcome): #Fit the model: model.fit(data[predictors],data[outcome]) #Make predictionsontrainingset: predictions = model.predict(data[predictors]) #Print accuracy accuracy = metrics...
Making a Python ScriptContext When you make a Python script, you can use APIs of a device to develop functions. The size of a Python script cannot exceed 1 MB. Procedure Create a text file and modify the file name extension to .py. Edit the script according to the Python scrip format....
When making a Python script, you can use OPS APIs supported by a device to develop functions. Procedure Create a text and modify its file name extension to .py as a Python script. Edit the script according to the Python script format. # Declare that this Python script file uses utf-8 ...
This is a somewhat shocking example. In addition to making this function pure, we also made it much, much shorter. It's not only shorter: it's better. Its purity meansassert dedupe(items) == dedupe(items)always holds true for the "good" version. In the "bad" version,num_dupeswillalw...
main(__name__, __file__) class TestSimpleLogin(BaseCase): def test_simple_login(self): self.open("seleniumbase.io/simple/login") self.type("#username", "demo_user") self.type("#password", "secret_pass") self.click('a:contains("Sign in")') self.assert_exact_text("Welcome!", ...
“here-doc” multiline string literal—it will capture everything inside the pair of triple quotes, including whitespace, making it useful for documentation purposes. Additionally, Python will do something quite special to this string—it will capture it into a property on the function itself,...
Step Over F10 Run the next statement, including making a call to a function (running all its code) and applying any return value. This command allows you to easily skip functions that you don't need to debug. Step Out Shift+F11 Run the code until the end of the current function, then...
(1)安装 先打开插件安装面板:ctrl+shift+P 输入install,选择Package Control:Install Package 提示安装成功后重新按ctrl+shift+P,选择Package Control:Install Package 之后输入sublimeREPL点击安装 在tools中能够找到sublimeREPL说明安装成功 (2)配置快捷键 首先点击首选项prefrence ...
Making a Generically Useful Function Here’s a version of thesearch4vowelsfunction (as it appears in IDLE) after it has been changed to reflect the second of the two suggestions from the bottom of the last page. Namely, we’ve changed the name of thewordvariable to the more appropriatephra...
#or making the tarball (alternatively, use project variables) UI_FILE = "src/mytuner01.ui" #UI_FILE = "/usr/local/share/mytuner01/ui/mytuner01.ui" class GUI: LENGTH = 2000 # Frequencies of the strings frequencies = { 'E': 329.63, ...