deftest_unicode(self):fromkarl.views.utilsimportmake_unique_namecontext = self._make_context() self.assertEqual(make_unique_name(context,u'what?'),"what") self.assertEqual(make_unique_name(context,u"\u0fff"),"-fff-") self.assertEqual(make_unique_name(context,u"\u0081\u0082"),"-81-...
When working on your own package, installing it in an editable mode can make sense. By doing this, you can work on the source code while still using your command line like you would in any other package. A typical workflow is to first clone the repository and then use pip to install ...
# rows是[(urlid1,wordlocation1_1,wordlocation1_2,wordlocation1_3...),(urlid2,wordlocation2_1,wordlocation2_2,wordlocation2_3...)] def inboundlinkscore(self,rows): uniqueurls=dict([(row[0],1) for row in rows]) inboundcount=dict([(u,self.curs.execute('select count(*) from ...
defstr_column_to_int(dataset,column):class_values=[row[column]forrowindataset]unique=set(class_values)lookup=dict()fori,valueinenumerate(unique):lookup[value]=iforrowindataset:row[column]=lookup[row[column]]returnlookup # Split a dataset into k folds ...
defcompute_up(expr, args, **kwargs):from_objs = list(unique(concat(map(get_all_froms, args)))iflen(from_objs) >1:#TODO:how do you do this in sql? please send helpraiseValueError('only columns from the same table can be merged') cols...
It is your responsibility to make the path provided unique, on Windows a running program will be locked, and while using a fixed folder name is possible, it can cause locking issues in that case, where the program gets restarted. Usually, you need to use{TIME}or at least{PID}to make ...
# 1.安装pipenv pip install pipenv # 2.进入文件夹 cd 文件夹路径 # 3.创建虚拟环境 pipenv install # 4.进入虚拟环境 pipenv shell # 5.查看依赖安装是否成功 pipenv graph # 6.生成spec文件 pyi-makespec -D -C py文件路径 # 7.根据spec文件打包 pyinstaller spec文件路径 pip命令 升级pip pip install...
function_name(list_name[:]),[:]相当于复制。 8.5传递任意数量的实参(可变参数) 有时候,你预先不知道函数需要接受多少个实参,好在Python允许函数从调用语句中收集任意数量的实参。 def make_pizza(*toppings): 形参名*toppings 中的星号让Python创建一个名为toppings 的空元组,并将收到的所有值都封装到这个元组...
list函数常用来在数据处理中实体化迭代器或生成器: 添加和删除元素 可以用append在列表末尾添加元素: insert可以在特定的位置插入元素: 插入的序号必须在0和列表长度之间。 警告:与append相比,insert耗费的计算量大,因为对后续元素的引用必须在内部迁移,以便为新元素提供空间。如果要在序列的头部和尾部插入元素,你可能需...