classMyHashable:def__init__(self,a):self._a=copy.deepcopy(a)@propertydefa(self):returnself._adef__eq__(self,other):ifisinstance(other,type(self)):returnself.a==other.areturnNotImplementeddef__hash__(self):returnhash(self.a) Sortable With 'total_ordering' decorator you only need to ...
abstract base class -- 抽象基类抽象基类简称 ABC,是对 duck-typing 的补充,它提供了一种定义接口的新方式,相比之下其他技巧例如 hasattr() 显得过于笨拙或有微妙错误(例如使用 魔术方法)。ABC 引入了虚拟子类,这种类并非继承自其他类,但却仍能被 isinstance() 和 issubclass() 所认可;详见 abc 模块文档。Pyth...
make_dataclass('Z', ['a']); print/str/repr(Z(<obj>)) >>> <obj> Inheritance class Person: def __init__(self, name): = name class Employee(Person): def __init__(self, name, staff_num): super().__init__(name) self.staff_num = staff_num Multiple inheritance: ...
# (copied from class doc) 构造方法,执行x = set()时自动调用集合函数; """ pass def __ior__(self, y): # real signature unknown...
shutil.make_archive('test3','zip','test3') 5.json/pickcle json和pickcle都是Python中将数据序列化的模块,用于将数据从内存中编程可存储或可传输的格式。 序列化有如下好处: 1)可以将数据进行持久的保存 我们都知道内存中的数据在断电后是会消失的,那么要保持大量的数据和状态等信息,以确保在下一次使用时...
Namedtuple, Enum, Dataclass from collections import namedtuple Point = namedtuple('Point', 'x y') point = Point(0, 0) from enum import Enum Direction = Enum('Direction', 'n e s w') direction = Direction.n from dataclasses import make_dataclass Creature = make_dataclass('Creature',...
default NoneMake the interval closed with respect to the given frequency tothe 'left', 'right', or both sides (None).**kwargsFor compatibility. Has no effect on the result.Returns---DatetimeIndexNotes---Of the four parameters: ``start``, ``end``, ``periods``, and ``freq``,exactly...
using System; class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { int counter = 0; // Passing by reference. // The value of counter in Main is changed. Console.WriteLine(greet("Alice", ref counter)); Console.WriteLine("Counter is {0}", counter); Console.WriteLine(greet("Bob", ref ...
8、创建和解压归档文件shutil.make_archive()|shutil.unpack_archive()79 9、通过文件名查找文件os.walk()80 10、读取.ini配置文件configparser.ConfigParser81 11、给简单脚本增加日志功能logging83 ...
__init__ is used as a constructor of the class __call__ is used to make the object callable __str__ is used to define what's printed on the screen when we pass the object to the print function. 绝大多数情况下,我们会去重写这些特殊方法,而不是创建新的。特殊方法列表 Python doc _...