发现一篇超好的juypter notebook,在github上面虽然很多人都会说machine learning trading strategy,但是!大部分做到prediction就没了!!!标准标题党!!!(生气.jpg)(就是想白嫖.jpg) 但是这篇不一样!这位名号未知的雷锋大佬运用JPM的数据用各种agent做trading。做作业我选了做Q-learning Agent交易策略,大佬虽然代码写得...
量化交易(Quantitative trading)1.1 定义 量化交易(量化投资)是指借助现代统计学和数学(机器学习)的方法...
就业于摩根斯坦利纽约总部量化金融部门,主要从事algorithm trading ,stock volume预测,机器学习研究,固定收益和外汇定价建模以及衍生品定价。建立了利率和外汇的定价模型和股票的统计套利模型,对销售及交易类数据作机器学习分析有独到的研究。 她为公司trading book的重要变量建立系统化自学习建模框架,为每个季度的资金计划提...
Scikit-learn 是一个与机器学习相关的库,它提供了完善的机器学习工具箱,包括数据预处理、分类、回归、聚类、预测、模型分析等。 官方文档参考:scikit-learn: machine learning in Python (6)Keras Keras 并非简单的神经网络库,而是一个基于Theano 的强大的深度学习库,不仅可以搭建简单普通的神经网络,还可以搭建各种深...
原文链接:https://towardsdatascience.com/https-medium-com-skuttruf-machine-learning-in-finance-algorithmic-trading-on-energy-markets-cb68f7471475 译者简介 笪洁琼,中南财大MBA在读,目前研究方向:金融大数据。目前正在学习如何将py等其...
纽约大学数学金融硕士学位。就业于摩根斯坦利纽约总部量化金融部门,主要从事algorithm trading ,stock volume预测,机器学习研究,固定收益和外汇定价建模以及衍生品定价。建立了利率和外汇的定价模型和股票的统计套利模型,对销售及交易类数据作机器学习分析有独到的研究。
Are you looking to enhance your trading strategies with the power of Python and machine learning? Then you need to check out PyBroker! This Python framework is designed for developing algorithmic trading strategies, with a focus on strategies that use machine learning. With PyBroker, you can eas...
TradeView is a free and open source Trading View bot written in Python. It is designed to support all major exchanges. It contains back testing, money management tools as well as strategy optimization by machine learning.Here is live example of TradeView ...
PyTorch is another popular library for deep learning in Python. It provides a dynamic computational graph that allows for easy model building and experimentation. PyTorch is widely used in quantitative investing for tasks such as portfolio optimization, risk assessment, and backtesting trading strategies...
We are proud to present python for finance-machine learning and algorithmic trading – one of the most interesting and complete courses we have created so far. An exciting journey from Beginner to Pro. If you are a complete beginner and you know nothing about coding, don’t worry! We start...