1. Giving Computers the Ability to Learn from Data 2. Training Machine Learning Algorithms for Classification 3. A Tour of Machine Learning Classifiers Using Scikit-Learn 4. Building Good Training Sets – Data Pre-Processing 5. Compressing Data via Dimensionality Reduction 6. Learning Best Practices...
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源码地址: https://github.com/rasbt/python-machine-learning-book-2nd-edition 目前,该 GitHub 项目已经获得 4000+ 的 star 了,热度很高。 整个16 章中的 Python 代码是以 .ipynb 文件格式给出,我们可以很方便地使用 Jupyter Notebook 来查看和运行相应的代码,非常方便。 书籍下载 为了方便大家阅读,小编整理了...
《Python Machine Learning》有两版,中文译为《Python 机器学习》,机器学习与预测分析正在改变企业和其他组织的运作方式,本书将带领读者进入预测分析的世界。全书共16章,除了简要介绍机器学习及Python在机器学习中的应用,还系统讲述了数据分类、数据预处理、模型优化、集成学习、回归、聚类、神经网络、深度学习等内容。本...
Collection of books on reddit Building Machine Learning Systems with Python Building Machine Learning Systems with Python, 2nd Edition Learning scikit-learn: Machine Learning in Python Machine Learning Algorithmic Perspective Data Science from Scratch – First Principles with Python Machine Learning in Pytho...
Python Machine Learning, 2nd Edition-Packt Publishing(2017).pdf ) Through exposure to the news and social media, you are probably aware of the fact that machine learning has become one of the most exciting technologies of our time and age. Large companies, such as Google, Facebook, Apple, ...
Free Download Python Machine Learning: Machine Learning and Deep Learning with Python, scikit-learn, and TensorFlow, 2nd Edition [PDF] Full EbookThe Real Books
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2nd edition View latest edition Overview Authors: José Unpingco Features fully updated explanation on how to simulate, conceptualize, and visualize random statistical processes and apply machine learning methods New edition features Python version 3.7 and connects to key open-source Python communities ...