uppercase_letters = string.ascii_uppercase print(uppercase_letters) # 输出:’ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ’ “` 3. 小写字母库 字符串模块也提供了一个名为`string.ascii_lowercase`的常量,它包含了所有的小写字母。可以使用以下代码来访问小写字母库: “`python import string lowercase_letters = string.ascii...
What is the best way to convert the returned page content into all lower case letters? def get_page_content_as_lower_case(url): request = urllib2.Request(url) page = urllib2.urlopen(request) temp = page.read() return str(temp).lower() # this dosen't work because page contains utf-...
From what I understood from Google and the link above that both functions: lower() and casefold() will convert the string to lowercase, but casefold() will convert even the caseless letters such as the ß in German to ss. All of that about Greek letters, but my question in general: ...
import string def kaisa(s, k): #定义函数 接受一个字符串s 和 一个偏移量k lower = string.ascii_lowercase #小写字母 upper = string.ascii_uppercase #大写字母 before = string.ascii_letters #无偏移的字母顺序 小写+大写 after = lower[k:] + lower[:k] + upper[k:] + upper[:k...
string.ascii_letters来获取所有的字母字符string.digits来获取所有的数字字符string.punctuation来获取所有的标点符号string.capwords()将字符串转化为首字母大写的形式string.rstrip()和string.lstrip()可以去除字符串右边和左边的空白字符二、字符串模板 string模块中的`string.Template`类提供了一种字符串模板的方式,可以...
print(name.split(‘,’))#使用逗号分割字符串,把字符串变成一个list import string print(string.ascii_letters)#所有的大写+小写字母 print(string.ascii_lowercase)#所有的小写字母 print(string.ascii_uppercase)#所有的大写字母 print(string.digits)#所有的数字 print(string.punctuation)#所有的特殊字符...
She does not want you to distinguish upper case from lower case letters. So the phrase “Closed the case.” would be included when the keyword is “closed” Do not let periods or commas affect what is matched. “It is closed.” would be included when the keyword is “closed”. But yo...
The Python lower() function converts a string to all lowercase. The Python isLower() method will check if the alphabetical characters in a string are all lowercase and return True or False. The lower() and isLower() functions are useful for fields like email where all letters should be ...
d["LETTERS"]+=1 else: pass print ("字母", d["LETTERS"]) print ("数字", d["DIGITS"]) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 我的答案: >>> s='Hello world! 123' >>> sum(1 for _ in s if _.isalpha()) ...
>>> str.ascii_uppercase 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' # 小写字母和大写字母 >>> str.ascii_letters 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' # 数字字符串0-9 >>> str.digits '0123456789' #十六进制数>>> str.hexdigits '0123456789abcdefABCDEF' ...