string.ascii_letters来获取所有的字母字符string.digits来获取所有的数字字符string.punctuation来获取所有的标点符号string.capwords()将字符串转化为首字母大写的形式string.rstrip()和string.lstrip()可以去除字符串右边和左边的空白字符二、字符串模板 string模块中的`string.Template`类提供了一种字符串模板的方式,可以...
uppercase_letters = string.ascii_uppercase print(uppercase_letters) # 输出:’ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ’ “` 3. 小写字母库 字符串模块也提供了一个名为`string.ascii_lowercase`的常量,它包含了所有的小写字母。可以使用以下代码来访问小写字母库: “`python import string lowercase_letters = string.ascii...
Do not include documents where the keyword string shows up only as a part of a larger word. For example, if she were looking for the keyword “closed”, you would not include the string “enclosed.” She does not want you to distinguish upper case from lower case letters. So the phrase...
Write a Python program to check whether lowercase letters exist in a string. Pictorial Presentation: Sample Solution-1: Python Code: Sample Output: True Sample Solution-2: Python Code: # Define a function 'lower_case_str' that takes a text as input.deflower_case_str(text):# Initialize a c...
c. Containing the sequence of letters pt d. All lowercase letters except for an initial capital (i.e., titlecase) a. speclist=[] for eachword in text6: if eachword.endswith(‘ize’): speclist.append(eachword) b. speclist=[] for eachword in text6: if ‘z’ in eachword: spec...
can contain letters, numbers, and underscores.Both upper case and lower case letters are allowed.B...
A string containing all the characters that are considered uppercase letters. On most systems this is the string 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX YZ'. Do not change its definition — the effect on the routines lower() and swapcase() is undefined. The specific value is locale-dependent, and will be ...
在上述代码中,我们定义了一个函数count_letters,它接受一个字符串作为参数,并返回字符串中字母的数量。我们使用isalpha()方法来检查一个字符是否是一个字母。 字母大小写转换 在Python中,我们可以使用upper()和lower()方法将字母从小写转换为大写,或从大写转换为小写。
.swapcase() Converts lowercase letters to uppercase letters and vice versa .title() Converts the first character of each word to uppercase and the rest to lowercase .upper() Converts a string into uppercase .zfill(width) Fills the string with a specified number of zeroes at the beginning...
ascii_uppercase 一个包含所有ASCII大写字母的字符串 ascii_letters 包含所有ASCII字母的字符串 digits 包含所有十进制位数的字符串 hexdigits 包含所有 十六进制数字的字符串 octdigits 包含所有八进制数字的字符串 punctuation 包含所有标点字符的字符串 printable 包含所有可打印的字符的字符串 神龙|纯净稳定代理IP免费测...