例如,my_variable_name。类名使用驼峰命名法:类名应使用驼峰命名法,并以大写字母开头。例如,MyClass。常量使用全大写字母:常量的值在程序中不应改变,因此应使用全大写字母来命名。例如,MAX_NUM。避免使用具有特殊含义的字符:如 $、% 等,因为这些字符在 Python 中可能有特殊的意义。不要使用保留字作为变量...
# ---同作用域内---name="MING"print(name)# ---不同作用域内---name="MING"defmain():print(name) 引用在前,赋值在后(同一作用域内) print(name)name="MING"# UnboundLocalError: local variable 'name' referenced before assignment 赋值在低层,引用在高层 # L -> E -> G -> B# 从左到右,...
foritarator_variableinsequence_name:Statements...Statements Copy keyword “for” iterator variable sequence variable Print individual letters of a string using the for loop Python stringis a sequence of characters. If within any of your programming applications, you need to go over the characters of...
we have a technique calledMnemonic(记忆的).The idea is when you choose a variable name,you should choose a variable name to be sensible and Python doesnt care whether you choose mnemonic variable names or not. Assignment Statements: An assignment statement consists of an expression on the right...
loop(2) # 输出2.022785186767578 可能略有差异 print("结束loop") 1. 2. 3. 4. Python对于上面这种修饰提供了语法糖,通过在函数名上面使用@decorate_name即可,如下: @timing def loop(sze): for i in range(sze): time.sleep(1) print("执行loop...") ...
While Loop The while loop is one of the first loops that you'll probably encounter when you're starting to learn how to program. It is arguably also one of the most intuitive ones to understand: if you think of the name of this loop, you will quickly understand that the word "while"...
name = "张三" age = 25 isStudent = True totalScore = 80 在编写Python代码时,我们应该遵循以下几点建议: 1. 使用有意义的命名:尽量让变量名能够直观地表达其所代表的数据含义,避免使用模糊不清的名称。 2. 保持一致性:在整个程序中使用相同的命名规则,这样可以提高代码的可读性。
(stats, key=stats.get) # different variable name in for loop # method 1 # cannot assign rvalue to lvalue for k in range(5): exec(f'cat_{k} = k*2') # method 2 # this works for x in range(0, 9): globals()['string%s' % x] = 'Hello' # method 3 # good d = {} ...
在上面的代码中,我们首先定义了一个包含个人信息的字典person,然后使用for循环遍历字典中的每个键。在每次循环中,我们使用条件语句判断当前键是否为'name',如果是则打印出'name is in the dictionary'。 判断变量是否在集合中 另外,我们还可以在集合中判断某个元素是否存在。例如,我们可以使用如下代码来判断一个集合...
In Python, for-loops use the scope they exist in and leave their defined loop-variable behind. This also applies if we explicitly defined the for-loop variable in the global namespace before. In this case, it will rebind the existing variable. The differences in the output of Python 2.x...