open(start) html = r.read() soup = BeautifulSoup(html) for link in soup.find_all('a'): linkText = str(link) fileName = str(link.get('href')) if filetype in fileName: image = urllib.URLopener() linkGet = http://www.irrelevantcheetah.com + fileName filesave = string.lstrip(fil...
save_button = tk.Button(root, text="保存DOCX", command=save_docx)save_button.pack(side=tk.LEFT, pady=10, padx=(0, 10)) # 转换按钮convert_button = tk.Button(root, text="转换", command=convert_button_handler)convert_button.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=10, pady=10) # Loading标签loadi...
description='Loading:', bar_style='warning', orientation='horizontal' ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 4、文本 1、Text(固定大小) AI检测代码解析 widgets.Text( value='Hello World', placeholder='Type something', description='String:', disabled=False ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2、Tex...
### Loading Titanic Dataset df=sns.load_dataset('titanic') ### Importing The Library import dtale ### Generating Quick Summary dtale.show(df) 5、自动桌面提示 这个脚本会自动触发windows桌面通知,提示重要事项,比如说:您已工作两小时,该休息了 我们...
2. 界面左下角会有Loading repositories提示 3. 等待下面窗口出现 4. 键盘输入SublimeREPL,选择SublimeREPL,左下角提示正在安装,等待结束动态提示后即安装完成。 3.1.4 配置Repl cmd+shit+p打开包管理器,输入list,点击Package Control:List Packages 2. 在列出的packages中,点击SublimeREPL ...
# * Serving Flask app 'index' (lazy loading) # * Environment: production # WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. # Use a production WSGI server instead. # * Debug mode: on # * Running on all addresses ( # WARNING: This is a dev...
Loading Python modules may also generate a SyntaxError when the source encoding is unexpected. We’ll show how to handle all of these errors in the next sections. Tip The first thing to note when you get a Unicode error is the exact type of the exception. Is it a UnicodeEncodeError, a ...
Used by github/github_download_release_file.sh, github_download_release_jar.sh, and install/download_*_jar.sh curl_auth.sh - shortens curl command by auto-loading your OAuth2 / JWT API token or username & password from environment variables or interactive starred password prompt through a ram...
Loading... README MIT Quick intro Video tutorials Introduction to textX Implementing Martin Fowler's State Machine DSL in textX Docs and tutorials Support in IDE/editors Discussion and help Citing textX License Python versions textX is a meta-language for building Domain-Specific Languages (DS...