折腾了好久,之前写写了个画histogram图的代码,但是发现如果要画两个list的话,会出现问题,他们的下标没法统一,而且之前的代码也还有个问题,解释如果list中的元素都是0-1之间小数的话,极容易出现上下取整,变为1,0,然后画图出来的效果就不是归一化了。 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9378420/how-to-plot-cdf...
# Create a colors and titles list to use in the histogram colors = ['r', 'k', 'b', 'g', 'k', 'y', 'y'] titles = ["Red Band", "Near Infrared (NIR) Band", "Blue/Green Band", "Green Band", "Near Infrared (NIR) Band", "Mid-infrared Band", "Mid-infrared Band"] # ...
n_arr, bin_arr, _ = ax2.hist(x, bins=7, color='c') # 对函数返回值进行拆包,获得各区间统计值和各分界点 bin_list = bin_arr.tolist() dx = (bin_list[1] - bin_list[0]) / 2 for i,j in zip(bin_list[:-1], n_arr): ax2.text(i+dx, j+0.1, "%d"%j, ha="center",...
1. # Overlay 2 histogramstocompare themdef overlaid_histogram(data1, data2, n_bins = 0, data1_name="", data1_color="#539caf", data2_name="", data2_color="#7663b0", x_label="", y_label="", title=""): 2. #Setthe boundsforthe bins so that the two distributions are fairl...
Silent list of individual patches used to create the histogram or list of such list if multiple input datasets. 例子 ex1 #!/usr/bin/env python3#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-###File Name: hist.py#Brief:#Author: frank#Mail: frank0903@aliyun.com#Created Time:2018-06-13 22:03:35###im...
calc_sim = hist_similar(li.histogram(), ri.histogram()) return calc_sim 得到最终的运行结果: 两种方法的的结果还是有点差距的,可以看到img1和img3的结果相似度高些。 不过两者的相似度计算方法如下: gi和si分别指的是两条曲线的第i个点。
=N:raiseException('Weights must have same size first dimension as data. (data.shape={},weights.shape={})'.format(xshp,wshp))iflen(wshp)>2:raiseException('Weights with more than 2 dimensions not supported. (weights.shape={})'.format(wshp))# Get histogramsowshp=tuple(list(histlist[0...
a, b =histogram(v, bins, density=True) assert_array_equal(a, [.1,.1,.1,0.])# Taken from a bug report from N. Becker on the numpy-discussion# mailing list Aug. 6, 2010.counts, dmy = np.histogram( [1,2,3,4], [0.5,1.5, np.inf], density=True) ...
values = df.loc[0].drop('group').values.flatten.tolist values += values[:1] ax.plot(angles, values, linewidth=1, linestyle='solid', label="group A") ax.fill(angles, values,'b', alpha=0.1) # 第二个 values = df.loc[1].drop('group').values.flatten.tolist ...