获取某个单元格,修改值 """ cell = sheet.cell(1, 1) cell.value = "开始" wb.save("p2.xlsx") """ # 2. 获取某个单元格,修改值 """ sheet["B3"] = "Alex" wb.save("p2.xlsx") """ # 3. 获取某些单元格,修改值 """ cell_list = sheet["B2":"C3"] for row in cell_list: ...
To repeat a specific operationNtimes in Python using list comprehension, you can create lists by applying the same expression or operation for each element in the range from0toN-1. This concise approach allows you to generate a list of results based on a repeated pattern, providing a compact...
itertools.repeat(object, times=None) 参数介绍: object:需要重复生成的对象 times:可选参数,指定重复生成的次数。默认为None,表示无限重复 返回值: repeat方法返回一个无穷迭代器对象,每次迭代会生成给定对象。 代码示例: importitertools# 使用repeat方法生成一个无限迭代器repeat_iter = itertools.repeat('Hello', ...
1.2.6: Sets 集合 集合是不同散列对象的无序集合。 Sets are unordered collections of distinct hashable objects. 但是,对象是可散列的意味着什么呢? But what does it mean for an object to be hashable? 这是一个更具技术性的话题,我们将不在这里详细讨论。 That’s a more technical topic, and we w...
1. Python repeat array n times using the * operator One of the simplest ways to repeat an array in Python is using the multiplication(*) operator. This method is straightforward and works well with lists, so we will use the list constructor to convert the array to a list. ...
I would like to repeat a None value 'n' times, but 'n' should be defined by other column's list length. I give some simple code example to better illustrate this: importpolarsaspl# Create dummy LazyFramelf = pl.LazyFrame( {"col1": [[1,2,3], [1,2], [1]]...
def wrapper_repeat(*args, **kwargs): for _ in range(num_times): value = func(*args, **kwargs) return value This wrapper_repeat() function takes arbitrary arguments and returns the value of the decorated function, func(). This wrapper function also contains the loop that calls the decor...
笛卡尔积:product(*iterables, repeat=1) 计算多个可迭代对象的笛卡尔积。 from itertools import product colors = ['red', 'green'] sizes = ['small', 'large'] result = product(colors, sizes) print(list(result)) # [('red', 'small'), ('red', 'large'), ('green', 'small'), ('green...
3.7 itertools.repeat(object[, times]) 来看看第三个无限迭代的函数,将objext重复times次然后停止 实例: import itertools partlist1=’1234’ print(list(itertools.repeat(partlist1,2))) 运行结果是: [‘1234’, ‘1234’] 3.8 itertools.dropwhile(predicate, iterable)/itertools.takewhile(predicate, iterable...
list list.remove(value) del lst[-1] # delete by index print(l.pop(3)) # default for pop is the last element del l[6] del l[-3:] [s for s in l if s.endswith('e')] # incremental list df['days'] = 30 df['days'] = df['days']-np.arange(len(df)) # list copy a...