print(" ", len(wordlist), "words loaded.") return wordlist def chooseWord(wordlist): """ wordlist (list): list of words (strings) Returns a word from wordlist at random """ return random.choice(wordlist) def hangman(secretWord): ''' secretWord: string, the secret word to guess...
'''A simple hangman game that tries to improve your vocabulary a bit ''' definit(self): # the variables used, this is not necessary self.dumpfile = '' #the dictionary file self.dictionary = {} #the pickled dict self.words = [] #list of words used self.secret_word = '' #the '...
最近在做hangman小游戏(12 Beginner Python Projects - Coding Course)发现有一行用了list comprehension搞的不是很懂: word_list=[letterifletterinused_letterselse'-'forletterinword] 经过学习后发现这一行是用了更简洁的list comprehension来写,用for loop来写的话是这样: word_list=[]forletterinword:iflette...
import time import random name = input("What is your name? ") print ("Hello, " + name, "Time to play hangman!") time.sleep(1) print ("Start guessing...\n") time.sleep(0.5) ## A List Of Secret Words words = ['python','programming','treasure','creative','medium','horror']...
# List of words for the Hangman game word_list = ['python', 'hangman', 'programming', 'developer', 'algorithm'] def choose_word(word_list): """Randomly select a word from the word list.""" return random.choice(word_list) def display_current_state(word, guessed_letters): ...
defgetRandomWord(wordList):#在words字典里随机选出候选单词 wordIndex = random.randint(0,len(wordList) -1) returnwordList[wordIndex]#返回选定单词 defdisplayBoard (HANGMANPICS,missedLetters,correctLetters,secretWord): print('\n\n* * * * * * * * * * * *',end ='') ...
在上述代码中,变量HANGMAN_PICS的名称全部是大写的,这是表示常量的编程惯例。常量(constant)是在第一次赋值之后其值就不再变化的变量。Hangman程序随机地从神秘单词列表中选择一个神秘单词,这个神秘单词保存在words中。 函数getRandomWord()会接受一个列表参数wordList,并返回wordList列表中的一个神秘单词,而后面的disp...
words = ["python", "hangman", "challenge", "programming", "development"] def choose_word(): """Selects a random word from the list of words.""" return random.choice(words) def display_word(word, guessed_letters): """Displays the word with guessed letters and underscores for remaining...
print ("Hello, " + name, "Time to play hangman!") time.sleep(1) print ("Start guessing...\n") time.sleep(0.5) ## A List Of Secret Words words = ['python','programming','treasure','creative','medium','horror'] word = random.choice(words) ...
If the list is not sorted, you have to, first, implement a sorting algorithm yourself and then perform the binary search on the list for the search element. Your program should display the position of the search element, if found, and should notify the user if the element is not found ...