list1=['apple','orange','banana']string_with_comma=','.join(list1)print(string_with_comma) 输出结果为: "apple,orange,banana" 使用逗号 您还可以使用逗号来连接列表中的元素,因为在Python中,逗号是用于分隔元素的。 下面是示例代码: list1=['apple','orange','banana']string_with_comma=', '.jo...
python join - Python 代码示例 c# list to string replace last comma with and - C# 代码示例 join() python 代码示例 python join - Python (1) c# list to string replace last comma with and - C# (1) python list - Python 代码示例 join() python (1) Python中的join(1) Python...
Python Join List of Strings With Comma Problem: Given a list of strings. How to convert the list to a string by concatenating all strings in the list—using a comma as the delimiter between the list elements? Example: You want to convert list ['learn', 'python', 'fast'] to the strin...
1list_of_strings = ['My', 'name', 'is', 'Chaitanya', 'Baweja'] 2 3# Using join with the comma separator 4print(','.join(list_of_strings)) 5 6# Output 7# My,name,is,Chaitanya,Baweja 回文检测 在前面,我们已经说过了,如何翻转一个字符串,所以回文检测非常的简单: 1my_string = "a...
# Using join with the comma separator print(','.join(list_of_strings)) # Output # My,name,is,Chaitanya,Baweja 9. 检查给定字符串是否是回文(Palindrome) 反转字符串已经在上文中讨论过。因此,回文成为Python中一个简单的程序。 my_string = "abcba" m if my_string == my_string[::-1]: print...
7new_string =''.join(temp_set) 8 9print(new_string) 10 11# Output 12# acedv 重复输出String/List 可以对 String/List 进行乘法运算,这个方法,可以使用它们任意倍增。 1n =3# number of repetitions 2my_string ="abcd" 3my_list = [1,2,3] ...
print 'These items are:', # Notice the comma at end of the line for item in shoplist: print item, print '\nI also have to buy rice.' shoplist.append('rice') print 'My shopping list is now', shoplist print 'I will sort my list now' ...
Thejoin()method then concatenates these string elements with commas as separators, resulting in a single string stored in the variableresult_string. Output: 1,2,3,4,5 In this output, you can observe that the elements of the list have been successfully transformed into a comma-separated string...
join(['aaa','bbb']) # 分离 '1-1-1-1-2'.split('-') # 去掉开头结尾 string.strip(str) string.ltrip(str) string.rtrip(str) # 从开始到结尾进行查找 string.find(sub, start, end) # 数字到字符串,字符串到数字 str(1) int('1') # 格式化 >>> print('id: {}, name: {}'....
Use the .join() method to join all the list elements (now of string data type) and separate them with a comma. Use .join() with map() Method 1 2 3 4 5 list_of_alphanumeric = ['string_one', 10, 'string_two', 'string_three'] comma_separated_strings = ','.join(map(str,...