1、tuple:元组 2、max:最大 3、min:最小 4、iterable:可迭代 5、key:关键字 6、function:方法/函数 7、stop:停止 8、object:对象 七、列表 1、list:列表 2、reverse:反向 3、true:真 4、false:假 5、append:附加 6、extend:扩展 7、insert:插入 8、pop:取出 9、remove:移除 ...
六、元组 t u p l e:tuple:元组 m a x:max:最大 m i n:min:最小 i t e r a b l e:iterable:可迭代 k e y:key:关键字 f u n c t i o n:function:方法/函数 s t o p:stop:停止 o b j e c t:object:对象 七、列表 l i s t:list:列表 r e v e r s e:reverse:反向 ...
1、交互式环境与print输出 2、字符串的操作 3、重复/转换/替换/原始字符串 4、去除/查询/计数 5、获取输入/格式化 6、元组 7、列表 8、集合 9、字典 10、循环 11、条件/跳出与结束循环 12、运算符与随机数 13、定义函数与设定参数 14、设定收集参数 15、嵌套函数/作用域/闭包 16、递归函数 17、列表推导...
Your list could be strings like this:mylist = ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five']You can mix the elements types like this:mylist = ['one', 20 , 5.5 , [10, 15], 'five']You can write nested lists, which means lists inside lists live the above example....
Local局部作用域 long长整形 == login==登录 list列表 lower下面 M main主要的 match匹配 missing丢失 module模块 mapping映射 max最大 min最小 N O outside外部 object对象 P private私有的 public公共的,公用的 perimeter周长 params参数 power幂 positional位置 prompt提示 pop取出 path路径 project项目 print打印...
1丶元组(list)和列表(tuple)的区别:# 一:共同点: ①: 可以放置任意数据类型的有序集合,都是可以存放数字,字符串,对象等。 ②:都支持 负索引,切片,随意嵌套等操作 二:不同点: ①: 列表是动态的,长度大小不固定,可以对元素随意的继续增加,删除,修改等操作 ...
We store multiple values using list and tuple data structures in Python. We use the indices to state the position or location of that stored value. In Python, index values start from 0 untilthe length of tuple -1.For example, in the image above, we had a tuple containing three values ...
choice(list(PLUGINS.items())) ... print(f"Using {greeter!r}") ... return greeter_func(name) ... >>> randomly_greet("Alice") Using 'say_hello' 'Hello Alice' The randomly_greet() function randomly chooses one of the registered functions to use. In the f-string, you use the ...
In this case, z contains a single value, so the 0 points to that value; however, if z were a list or tuple and contained many values, the 0 would specify to only pull in the first value from z. The colon (:) separates the value to be pulled in from the formatting of that ...
Python 2(2.6, 2.7) andPython 3(3.4 — 3.13) are supported. If at any moment, there is a stable Python release that is not in this list, rest assured it is being worked on and will be added. Important For Python 3.4 andonlythat version, we need other Python version as acompile time...