Popular Python re module Functions re.findall(A, B)| Matches all instances of an expressionAin a stringBand returns them in a list. re.search(A, B)| Matches the first instance of an expressionAin a stringB, and returns it as a re match object. ...
Real Python Python 3 Cheat Sheet说明书 Real Python:Python3Cheat Sheet
list according to length. • zip(list1, list2, list3,…): Puts together several lists returning a new list with several tuples. • The sorted(object1) and reversed(object1) functions do the same as reverse and sort but return a value instead of just changing the object. ...
# Advanced Functions list_of_chars = list('Helloooo') # ['H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o'] sum_of_elements = sum([1,2,3,4,5]) # 15 element_sum = [sum(pair) for pair in zip([1,2,3],[4,5,6])] # [5, 7, 9] sorted_by_second = sorted(['hi'...
List functions and methods # Return a sorted copy of the list x sorted(x) # Returns [1, 2, 3] # Sort the list in-place (replaces x) x.sort() # Returns None # Reverse the order of elements in x reversed(x) # Returns [2, 3, 1] # Reverse the list in-place x.reversed() ...
extend(list) reverse() index(item) sort() insert(position, item) Python String Methods capitalize() * lstrip() center(width) partition(sep) count(sub, start, end) replace(old, new) decode()
# Advanced Functions list_of_chars = list('Helloooo') # ['H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o'] sum_of_elements = sum([1,2,3,4,5]) # 15 element_sum = [sum(pair) for pair in zip([1,2,3],[4,5,6])] # [5, 7, 9] sorted_by_second = sorted(['hi'...
Python Cheat Sheet 下载积分: 50 内容提示: CREATED BY LIAM GIBBINGS FUNCTIONS, METHODS & ATTRIBUTES NUMBERS cmath.pi and cmath.e: Returns values of both pi and exponential const. respectively. math.sqrt(integer1): Returns square root of integer, use cmath.sqrt for negatives. ...
choice(list(PLUGINS.items())) ... print(f"Using {greeter!r}") ... return greeter_func(name) ... >>> randomly_greet("Alice") Using 'say_hello' 'Hello Alice' The randomly_greet() function randomly chooses one of the registered functions to use. In the f-string, you use the ...