字典的浅拷贝dict.copy()。 列表list的浅拷贝 assigning a slice of the entire list, copied_list = original_list[:];或者直接list1.copy()。 示例1 #coding=gbk import copy l1 = [1, 2, [3, 4]] l2 = copy.copy(l1) print l1 print l2 l2[2][0] = 50 print l1 print l2 #--- 结果 ...
import copy copy.copy() copy.deepcopy() copy() is a shallow copy function. If the given argument is a compound data structure, for instance a list, then Python will create another object of the same type (in this case, a new list) but for everything inside the old list, only thei...
代码1:演示list.copy()的工作 # Python 3 code to demonstrate# working of list.copy()# Initializing listlis1 = [1,2,3,4]# Usingcopy() to create a shallowcopylis2 = lis1.copy()# Printing new listprint("The new list created is:"+ str(lis2))# Adding new element to new listlis2....
Python List Copy Not Working The main reason why the list.copy() method may not work for you is because you assume that it creates a deep copy when, in reality, it only creates a shallow copy of the list. To create a deep copy where the list elements themselves are copied (e.g. ...
##直接deepcopydefmethod1(origin_list,step):foreachinrange(step):l=copy.deepcopy(origin_list)returnl 第二种:使用numpy,先转为numpy对象,然后tolist ##转换为numpy, 然后再tolist()defmethod2(origin_list,step):foreachinrange(step):l=np.array(origin_list).tolist()asserttype(l)==type(origin_...
python list拷贝 python中列表copy的用法,在练习列表的操作的时候我发现赋值之后的列表会随着被赋值的列表改变而改变,就像是C语言中用指向同一实际变量的指针进行操作一样。这是因为Python中有三种拷贝方式:浅拷贝、深拷贝和赋值拷贝。赋值拷贝就像是定义新指针并指向了
19 List copy not working? 25 Copy a list of list by value and not reference 12 How to turn all numbers in a list into their negative counterparts? See more linked questions Related 3 Clone elements of a list 2 python: mutating the copy of a list changes the or...
Python中copy的原理 浅拷贝浅拷贝是指创建一个新的对象,并将原始对象的引用复制到新对象中。如果原始对象是可变类型(如列表、字典等),则修改新对象的属性或元素会影响原始对象。# 创建一个列表 original_list = [1, 2, 3, [4, 5]] # 使用copy模块的copy方法进行浅拷贝 copied_list = copy.copy(...
shallow_copy = [x for x in original_list] print(shallow_copy) 在上述示例中,使用列表解析创建了一个浅拷贝shallow_copy,它包含了original_list中的相同元素。 使用copy模块的copy()函数进行浅拷贝 之前提到过copy模块的copy()函数用于执行浅拷贝,但这里再次强调它的简便性和可读性。这个函数通常用于复制可变对...
在Python中,可以使用deepcopy()方法来进行深拷贝。例如: import copylist1 = [1, 2, [3, 4]]list2 = copy.deepcopy(list1) 上面的代码创建了一个包含一个整数和一个列表的列表,并使用deepcopy()方法将其深拷贝到了另一个变量中。 2.2 示例