In this list comprehension, we use two if conditions. $ ./ [18, 14, 11, 19] Python list comprehension multiple for loops It is possible to have multiple for loops in a Python list comprehension. #!/usr/bin/python a = [1, 2, 3] b = ['...
The syntax uses twoforloops to move down the lists and extract each element. The newly formed list contains all individual elements in a single dimension. Generating Pairs Use list comprehension on two lists to generate all pair combinations between two lists. For example: list1 = [1, 2, 3...
For example, consider the followinglist comprehensionthat uses twoforloops to create a combination ofallelements of two existing lists into a new list (which contains all possible combinations of their elements as tuples): list1 = ['a','b'] list2 = [1,2] new_list = [(x, y)forxinli...
# Example 7: Get one line for loop using list comprehension with # nested loops & if condition new_list = [x*y for x in list1 for y in list2 if x % 2 == 0] # Example 8: Get one line for loop using list comprehension with # nested loops & multiple conditions new_list = [x...
Single Line Nested Loops Using List Comprehension For example, if you had twolistsand want to get all combinations of them, To achieve this, you need to use two nested loops as mentioned below. first = [2,3,4] second = [20,30,40] ...
The list comprehension uses two nested loops: one iterating over 'x' and the other over 'y', both ranging from 0 to 2. The result is a list of all possible pairs '(x, y)' formed by the two loops. Flattening a nested list: ...
We can also use nested loops in list comprehension. Let's write code to compute a multiplication table. multiplication = [[i * jforjinrange(1,6)]foriinrange(2,5)]print(multiplication) Run Code Output [[2, 4, 6, 8, 10], [3, 6, 9, 12, 15], [4, 8, 12, 16, 20]] ...
for e in i: print(e, end=' ') print() We have a two-dimensional list of integers. We loop over the elements with twoforloops. $ ./ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Python list loop with zip Thezipfunction creates an iterator from the given iterables. ...
When you use for loops to transform data and build new collections, it may be possible to replace the loop with a comprehension. For example, consider the loop below: Python >>> cubes = [] >>> for number in range(10): ... cubes.append(number**3) ... >>> cubes [0, 1, 8...
Using List ComprehensionList comprehension provides a more concise way to transpose a matrix by leveraging nested list comprehensionszip(*matrix),4. Using NumPy Library , the details are as below: 1. Using Double For Loop This method involves using nestedforloops to iterate through the matrix and...