Tuple=(1,2,3) 2. Mutable lists vs immutable tuples The main difference between lists and tuples is the fact that lists are mutable whereas tuples are immutable. It means that we can modify a list after it has been initialized i.e. we can add, update or even delete items in a list...
you could add new element to both list and tuple with the only difference that you will change id of the tuple by adding element(tuple是不可更改的数据类型,这也意味着你不能去删除tuple中的元素或者是对tuple进行排序,然而,你既可以往list里去增加一个新的元素,也可以往tuple里去增加一个新的元素,...
That also means that you can't delete an element or sort atuple. However, you could add new element to both list and tuple with the onlydifference that you will change id of the tuple by adding element(tuple是不可更改的数据类型,这也意味着你不能去删除tuple中的元素或者是对tuple进行排序,...
list的取值也可以通过切片的方式: 从第几个元素开始,到第几个元素结束,获取他们之间的值,格式是name:[1:10],比如说要获取name的第一个元素到第五个元素,就可以用name[0:6],切片是不包含后面那个元素的值的,记住顾头不顾尾;前面的下标如果是0的话,可以省略不写,这样写,name[:6],切片后面还有可以写一个参...
1. 获取两个list 的交集 print list(set(a).intersection(set(b))) 2. 获取两个list 的并集 print list(set(a).union(set(b))) 3. 获取两个 list 的差集 print list(set(b).difference(set(a))) # b中有而a中没有的 >>> r=[1,2,3,4,5]>>> m=[2,4]>>>list(set(r).intersection...
1. 获取两个list 的交集 print list(set(a).intersection(set(b))) 2. 获取两个list 的并集 print list(set(a).union(set(b))) 3. 获取两个 list 的差集 print list(set(b).difference(set(a))) # b中有而a中没有的 >>> r=[1,2,3,4,5] ...
In this tutorial, we will learn the important difference between the list and tuples and how both are playing a significant role in Python. Lists and Tuples are used to store one or more Python objects or data-types sequentially. Both can store any data such as integer, float, string, ...
What is the difference between lists and tuples in Python?Show/Hide When would you prefer tuples over lists?Show/Hide How do you create a list from a tuple in Python?Show/Hide What's the point of a tuple?Show/Hide Are tuples immutable?Show/Hide Mark...